Int32 serialization in OCaml

Today, I’m going to talk a bit about the problem of serializing an int32 in OCaml. As I’m only working on Intel machines, I’m not interested in portability, and prefer little-endian serialization. This should be natural and easy.

The interface

val set32: string -> int -> int32 -> unit
val get32: string -> int -> int32

The microbenchmark

We’re going to store an int32 into a string,retrieve it, and check if it’s the same. We’re going to do this 1_000_000_000 times, see how long it took, and calculate the speed.

let benchmark n =
  let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  let s = String.create 4 in
  let limit = Int32.of_int n in
  let rec loop i32 =
    if i32 = limit
    then ()
      let () = set32 s 0 i32 in
      let j32 = get32 s 0 in
      assert (i32 = j32);
      loop (Int32.succ i32)
  let () = loop 0l in
  let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  let d = t1 -. t0 in
  let speed = float n /. d in
  let megaspeed = speed /. 1000000.0 in
  Printf.printf "%i took %f => %fe6/s\n" n d megaspeed

Attempt 0: Naive implementation

This is rather straight forward: mask, extract the char, store, shift and repeat. Retrieving the int32 from the string is the opposite. No rocket surgery here.
This is simple, readable code.

let set32_ocaml s pos (i:int32) =
  let (>:) = Int32.shift_right_logical in
  let (&:) = Int32.logand in
  let mask = Int32.of_int 0xff in
  let to_char v = Char.chr (Int32.to_int v) in
  let too_far = pos + 4 in
  let rec loop p i =
    if p = too_far
    then ()
      let vp = i &: mask in
      let cp = to_char vp in
      let () = s.[p] <- cp in
      loop (p+1) (i >: 8)
  loop pos i

let get32_ocaml s pos =
  let (<:) = Int32.shift_left in
  let (|:) = Int32.logor in
  let to_i32 c = Int32.of_int (Char.code c) in
  let rec loop acc p =
    if p < pos
    then acc
      let cp = s.[p] in
      let vp = to_i32 cp in
      let acc' = (acc <: 8) |: vp in
      loop acc' (p-1)
  loop 0l (pos + 3)

OCaml is a nice high level language, but this bit twiddling feels rather clumsy and ugly.
Anyway, let’s benchmark it.

Strategy Speed
naive OCaml 16.0e6/s

A quick peek at how Thrift does it

let get_byte32 i b = 255 land (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right i (8*b)))
class trans = object(self)
  val ibyte = String.create 8
  method writeI32 i =
    let gb = get_byte32 i in
    for i=0 to 3 do
      ibyte.[3-i] <- char_of_int (gb i)
    trans#write ibyte 0 4

Ok, this uses the same strategy; but there’s a for loop there. The conversion is done in the ibyte buffer and then copied along. It’s a bit sub-awesome, but the extra copy of 4 bytes shouldn’t be too costly neither.

Attempt 1: But in C, it would be way faster

It’s a platitude I hear a lot, but in this case, it really should be faster. After all, if you want to retrieve an int32 from a string, all you need to do is to cast the char* to an int32_t* and de-reference the value.

Let’s try this:

external set32 : string -> int -> int32 -> unit = "zooph_set32"
external get32 : string -> int -> int32         = "zooph_get32"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <caml/alloc.h>
#include <caml/memory.h>
#include <caml/mlvalues.h>

value zooph_set32(value vs, value vpos, value vi){
  CAMLparam3(vs, vpos, vi);
  char* buf = String_val(vs);
  int pos = Int_val(vpos);
  int32_t i = Int32_val(vi);

  char* buf_off = &buf[pos];
  int32_t* casted = (int32_t*)buf_off;
  casted[0] = i;
  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);

value zooph_get32(value vs,value vpos){
    char* buf = String_val(vs);
    int pos = Int_val(vpos);
    char* buf_off = &buf[pos];
    int32_t* casted = (int32_t*)buf_off;
    int32_t i32 = casted[0];
    result = caml_copy_int32(i32);

I called my compilation unit zooph.c an onomatopoeia that pays tribute to how fast I expect this to be. There’s no loop, and the machine has the skills to do the transformation in one step. So it should roughly be about 4 times faster.
Let’s benchmark it.

Strategy Speed
naive OCaml 16.0e6
C via FFI 32.3e6

Hm… it’s faster allright, but it’s also a bit disappointing. So what went wrong?

A quick look at the assembly code reveals a lot:

	movl	8(%rdx), %eax
	sarq	%rsi
	movslq	%esi, %rsi
	movl	%eax, (%rdi,%rsi)
	movl	$1, %eax
	.size	zooph_set32, .-zooph_set32
	.p2align 4,,15
	.globl	zooph_get32
	.type	zooph_get32, @function
	pushq	%rbx
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 3, -16
	movq	%rsi, %rdx
	sarq	%rdx
	subq	$160, %rsp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 176
	movslq	%edx, %rdx
	movq	caml_local_roots(%rip), %rbx
	leaq	8(%rsp), %rcx
	movq	%rdi, 8(%rsp)
	movl	(%rdi,%rdx), %edi
	movq	%rsi, (%rsp)
	movq	$1, 32(%rsp)
	movq	%rcx, 40(%rsp)
	leaq	(%rsp), %rcx
	movq	%rbx, 16(%rsp)
	movq	$2, 24(%rsp)
	movq	$0, 152(%rsp)
	movq	%rcx, 48(%rsp)
	leaq	16(%rsp), %rcx
	movq	$1, 96(%rsp)
	movq	$1, 88(%rsp)
	movq	%rcx, 80(%rsp)
	leaq	80(%rsp), %rcx
	movq	%rcx, caml_local_roots(%rip)
	leaq	152(%rsp), %rcx
	movq	%rcx, 104(%rsp)
	call	caml_copy_int32
	movq	%rbx, caml_local_roots(%rip)
	addq	$160, %rsp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	popq	%rbx
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8

While zooph_set32 seems to be in order, its counter part is rather messy. On closer inspection, not even the set32 side is optimal. OCaml’s FFI allows smooth (at least compared to jni) interaction with native code in other languages, it also installs a firm border across which no inlining is possible (not with OCaml that is).

Let’s take a look at how the benchmark code calls this.

	movq	%rbx, 8(%rsp)
	movq	%rax, 0(%rsp)
	movq	$1, %rsi
	movq	16(%rbx), %rdi
	movq	%rax, %rdx
	movq	zooph_set32@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	call	caml_c_call@PLT
	movq	caml_young_ptr@GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
	movq    (%r11), %r15
	movq	$1, %rsi
	movq	8(%rsp), %rax
	movq	16(%rax), %rdi
	movq	zooph_get32@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	call	caml_c_call@PLT
	movq	caml_young_ptr@GOTPCREL(%rip), %r11
	movq    (%r11), %r15
	movslq	8(%rax), %rax
	movq	0(%rsp), %rdi
	movslq	8(%rdi), %rbx
	cmpq	%rax, %rbx
	je	.L176

You see stuff being pushed on the stack before the call. For raw speed, you don’t want this to happen. For raw speed, you don’t even want a call.
To get there, you need to translate the benchmark to C too. I’m not going to bother, because I have another trick ready.

Attempt 2: OCaml 4.01 primitives

OCaml 4.01 got released recently, and there’s a little entry in the release notes.

PR#5771: Add primitives for reading 2, 4, 8 bytes in strings and bigarrays
(Pierre Chambart)

However, for some reason, they are not really exposed, and I had to dig to find them. Using them however is trivial.

external get32_prim : string -> int -> int32         = "%caml_string_get32"
external set32_prim : string -> int -> int32 -> unit = "%caml_string_set32"

That’s all there is to it. Basically, you say that you know that the compiler knows how to do this, and that from now on, you want to do that too.
Let’s benchmark it.

Strategy Speed
naive OCaml 16.0e6
C via FFI 32.3e6
OCaml with primitives 139e6


Closing words

I’ve put the code for this on github: Anyway, we need to (de)serialize int64 values as well. Determining the speedup there is left as an exercise for the reader (tip: it’s even better).

I think some people will feel the urge to apply this to their serialization code as well.

Have fun,


User functions in Arakoon

Mahomet cald the Hill to come to him. And when the Hill stood still, he was neuer a whit abashed, but said;
If the Hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet wil go to the hill.

Francis Bacon


Arakoon tries to be a simple distributed key value store that favours consistency over availability.
From time to time, we get feature requests for additional commands like:

  • assert_exists: assert a value exists for the key without caring what the value actually is
  • increment_counter: increment (or create) a counter and return the new value.
  • queue operations : add an element to the front/back of a double ended queue or pop an element
  • set_and_update_X: insert a key value pair and update some non-trivial counter X (think averages, variances,…)

The list is semi-infinite and the common thing here is that they are too complex/specific/weird/… to do them in one step using the provided interface. Of course, you can do all of this on the client side, but it will cost extra network round-trips. In distributed systems, you really want to keep the number of round-trips low, which pushes you towards these kind of feature requests.

Once you decided (performance bottlenecks probably) that you need extra functionality there are two things you can do. First, you can try to force or entice us into adding them to the core interface or alternatively, you can get by using Arakoon’s “user functions”. For some reason people fear them but there’s no real technical reason to do so.

This blog post will cover two things. First we’ll go in to the nitty gritty of coding and deploying user functions and then we’ll look at some of the strategic/architectural challenges of user functions.

How do user functions work?

The high level view is this: you build a user function, and register it to an Arakoon cluster before you start it. Then, at runtime, you can call it, using any client, with a parameter (a string option) and get back a result (string option). On the server side, the master will log this in its transaction log, try to reach consensus with the slave(s) and once that is the case, the user function will be executed inside a transaction. The result of that call will be sent to the client. If an exception occurs, the transaction will be aborted. Since Arakoon logs transactions it can replay them in case of calamities. This has a very important impact: since Arakoon needs to be able to replay the execution of a user function, you cannot do side effects, use random values or read the system clock.

Running Example

We’re going to try to build a simple queue API.
It will offer named queues with 2 operations: push and pop. Also, it’s a first-in-first-out thingy.

Arakoon 1

Client side API

Arakoon 1 offers the following API for user functions.

def userFunction(self, name, argument):
'''Call a user-defined function on the server
@param name: Name of user function
@type name: string
@param argument: Optional function argument
@type argument: string option

@return: Function result
@rtype: string option

Let’s take a look at it. A userFunction call needs the name, which is a string, and an argument which is a string option and returns a result of type string option. So what exactly is a string option in Python? Well, it’s either a string or None. This allows a user function to not take input or to not yield a result.

Server side API

The server side API is in OCaml, and looks like this:

class type user_db =
method set : string -> string -> unit
method get : string -> string
method delete: string -> unit
method test_and_set: string -> string option -> string option -> string option
method range_entries: string option -> bool -> string option -> bool -> int
-> (string * string) list

User functions on server side match the client’s opaque signature.

user_db -> string option -> string option

Queue’s client side

Let’s create the client side in python. We’ll create a class that uses an Arakoon client and acts as a queue. The problem with push is that we need to fit both the name and the value into the one paramater we have available. We need to do our own serialization. Let’s just be lazy (smart?) and use Arakoon’s serialization. The code is shown below.

from arakoon import Arakoon
from arakoon import ArakoonProtocol as P

class ArakoonQueue:
    def __init__(self, name, client):
        self._name = name
        self._client = client

    def push(self, value):        
        input =   P._packString(self._name) 
        input +=  P._packString(value)
        self._client.userFunction("QDemo.push", input)

    def pop(self):
        value = self._client.userFunction("QDemo.pop", self._name)
        return value

That wasn’t too hard now was it?

Queue, server side

The whole idea is that the operations happen on server side, so this will be a tat more complex.
We need to model a queue using a key value store. Code-wise, that’s not too difficult.
For each queue, we’ll keep 2 counters that keep track of both ends of the queue.

A push is merely getting the qname and the value out of the input, calculating the place where we need to store it, store the value there and update the counter for the back end of the queue. A pop is similar but when the queue becomes empty, we use the opportunity to reset the counters (maybe_reset_counters). The counter representation is a bit weird but Arakoon stores things in lexicographical order and we want to take advantage of this to keep our queue fifo. Hence, we need to make the counter in such a way the counter’s order is the same as a string’s order. The code is shown below.

(* file: *)

open Registry 

let zero = ""
let begin_name qname = qname ^ "/@begin" 
let end_name qname = qname ^ "/@end"
let qprefix qname key = qname ^ "/" ^ key

let next_counter = function
  | "" -> "A"
  | s -> 
        let length = String.length s in
        let last = length - 1 in
        let c = s.[last] in
        if c = 'H' 
        then s ^ "A"
        else let () = s.[last] <- Char.chr(Char.code c + 1) in 

let log x= 
  let k s = let s' = "[plugin_qdemo]:" ^ s in
            Lwt.ignore_result (Lwt_log.debug s')
  Printf.ksprintf k x

let maybe_reset_counters user_db qname b1 = 
  let e_key = end_name qname in
  let exists = 
    try let _ = user_db # get e_key in true with Not_found -> false 
  if exists
    let ev = user_db # get e_key in
    if ev = b1 then
      let b_key = begin_name qname in
      let () = user_db # set b_key zero in
      let () = user_db # set e_key zero in
  else ()

let push user_db vo = 
  match vo with
    | None -> invalid_arg "push None"
    | Some v -> 
        let qname, p1 = Llio.string_from v 0 in
        let value, _ = Llio.string_from v p1 in
        let e_key = end_name qname in
        let b0 = 
          try user_db # get (end_name qname) 
          with Not_found -> zero 
        let b1 = next_counter b0 in
        let () = user_db # set (qprefix qname b1) value in
        let () = user_db # set e_key b1 in

let pop user_db vo =
  match vo with 
    | None   -> invalid_arg "pop None"
    | Some qname -> 
        let b_key = begin_name qname in
        let b0 = 
          try user_db # get (begin_name qname) 
          with Not_found -> zero
        let b1 = next_counter b0 in
          let k = qprefix qname b1 in
          let v = user_db # get k in 
          let () = user_db # set b_key b1 in
          let () = user_db # delete k in
          let () = maybe_reset_counters user_db qname b1 in
          Some v
          Not_found ->
            let e_key = end_name qname in
            let () = user_db # set b_key zero in
            let () = user_db # set e_key zero in

let () = Registry.register "QDemo.push" push
let () = Registry.register "QDemo.pop" pop

The last two lines register the functions to the Arakoon cluster when the module is loaded.


So how do you deploy your user function module into an Arakoon cluster?
First need to compile your module into something that can be dynamically loaded.
To compile the I persuade ocamlbuild like this:

ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -tag 'package(arakoon_client)' \
-cflag -thread -lflag -thread \

It’s not too difficult to write your own testcase for your functionality, so you can run it outside of Arakoon and concentrate on getting the code right.


First, you need put your compilation unit into the Arakoon home directory on all your nodes of the cluster. And second, you need to add the name to the global section of your cluster configuration. Below, I show the configuration file for my simple, single node cluster called ricky.

cluster = arakoon_0
cluster_id = ricky

plugins = plugin_qdemo

ip =
client_port = 4000
messaging_port = 4010
home = /tmp/arakoon/arakoon_0

All right, that’s it. Just a big warning about user functions here.

Once a user function is installed, it needs to remain available, with the same functionality for as long as user function calls are stored inside the transaction logs, as they need to be re-evaluated when one replays a transaction log to a store (for example when a node crashed, leaving a corrupt database behind). It’s not a bad idea to include a version in the name of a user function to cater for evolution.


Let’s use it in a simple python script.

def make_client():
    clusterId = 'ricky'
    config = Arakoon.ArakoonClientConfig(clusterId,
                                         {"arakoon_0":("", 4000)})
    client = Arakoon.ArakoonClient(config)
    return client

if __name__ == '__main__':
    client = make_client()
    q = ArakoonQueue("qdemo", client)
    q.push("bla bla bla")
    q.push("some more bla")
    print q.pop()
    print q.pop()
    print q.pop()
    print q.pop()

with expected results.

Arakoon 2

With Arakoon 2 we moved to Baardskeerder as a database backend, replacing the combination of transaction logs and Tokyo Cabinet. Since the backend is Lwt-aware, this means that the server side API has become too:

module UserDB :
type tx = Core.BS.tx
type k = string
type v = string
val set    : tx -> k -> v -> unit Lwt.t
val get    : tx -> k -> (v, k) Baardskeerder.result Lwt.t
val delete : tx -> k -> (unit, Baardskeerder.k) Baardskeerder.result Lwt.t

module Registry:
type f = UserDB.tx -> string option -> (string option) Lwt.t
val register: string -> f -> unit
val lookup: string -> f

The major changes are that

  • the api now uses Lwt
  • we have (‘a,’b) Baardskeerder.result types, which we favour over the use of exceptions for normal cases.

Rewriting the queue implementation to Arakoon 2 yields something like:

(* file: *)

open Userdb
open Lwt
open Baardskeerder

let zero = ""
let begin_name qname = qname ^ "/@begin" 
let end_name qname = qname ^ "/@end"
let qprefix qname key = qname ^ "/" ^ key

let next_counter = function
  | "" -> "A"
  | s -> 
        let length = String.length s in
        let last = length - 1 in
        let c = s.[last] in
        if c = 'H' 
        then s ^ "A"
        else let () = s.[last] <- Char.chr(Char.code c + 1) in 

let reset_counters tx qname =
  let b_key = begin_name qname in
  let e_key = end_name qname in
  UserDB.set tx b_key zero >>= fun () ->
  UserDB.set tx e_key zero

let maybe_reset_counters tx qname (b1:string) = 
  let e_key = end_name qname in
    UserDB.get tx e_key >>= function
      | OK  _ -> Lwt.return true
      | NOK _ -> Lwt.return false
  end >>= function
    | true ->
          UserDB.get tx e_key >>= function
            | OK ev ->
                if ev = b1 
                then reset_counters tx qname
                else Lwt.return ()
            | NOK _  -> Lwt.return ()
    | false  -> Lwt.return ()

let push tx vo = 
  match vo with
    | None -> (invalid_arg "push None")
    | Some v -> 
        let qname, p1 = Llio.string_from v 0 in
        let value, _ = Llio.string_from v p1 in
        Lwt_log.debug_f "push:qname=%S;value=%S" qname value >>= fun ()->
        let e_key = end_name qname in
        UserDB.get tx (end_name qname) >>= fun b0r ->
        let b0 = match b0r with
          | OK b0 -> b0
          | _     -> zero
        let b1 = next_counter b0 in
        UserDB.set tx (qprefix qname b1) value >>= fun () ->
        UserDB.set tx e_key b1 >>= fun () ->
        Lwt.return None

let pop tx = function
  | None   -> (invalid_arg "pop None")
  | Some qname -> 
        let b_key = begin_name qname in
        UserDB.get tx (begin_name qname) >>= fun b0r ->
          match b0r with
            | OK b0 -> Lwt.return b0
            | NOK _ -> Lwt.return zero
        >>= fun b0 ->
        let b1 = next_counter b0 in
        let k = qprefix qname b1 in
        UserDB.get tx k >>= fun vr ->
          match vr with
            | OK value -> 
                  UserDB.set tx b_key b1 >>= fun () ->
                  UserDB.delete tx k >>= function 
                    | OK () ->
                          maybe_reset_counters tx qname b1 >>= fun () ->
                          Lwt.return (Some value)
                    | NOK e -> (Failure e)
             | NOK _  -> 
                 reset_counters tx qname >>= fun () ->
                 Lwt.return None
let () = Userdb.Registry.register "QDemo.push" push
let () = Userdb.Registry.register "QDemo.pop" pop

Both client side and deployment remain the same.

Questions asked

Ain’t there something wrong with this Queue?

Yes! Glad you noticed. This queue concept is fundamentally broken. The problem is the pop.
Follow this scenario:

  1. the client calls the QDemo.pop function
  2. the cluster pops the value from the queue and its master sends it to the client.
  3. the client dies before it can read the popped value

Now what? We’ve lost that value. Bloody network, how dare you!

Ok, I admit this was naughty, but it’s a good example of a simple local concept that doesn’t really amount to the same thing when tried in a distributed context. When confronted with this hole, people immediately try to fix this with “Right!, so we need an extra call to …”. To which I note: “But wasn’t this extra call just the thing you were trying to avoid in the first place?”

Why don’t you allow user functions to be written in <INSERT YOUR FAVOURITE LANGUAGE HERE>?

This is a good question, and there are several answers, most of them wrong. For example, anything along the lines of “I don’t like your stinkin’ language” needs to be rejected because a language’s cuteness is irrelevant.

There are several difficulties with the idea of offering user functions to be written in another programming language. For scripting languages like Python, Lua, PHP ,… we can either implement our own interpreter and offer a subset of the language, which is a lot of work with low return on investment, or integrate an existing interpreter/runtime which will probably not play nice with Lwt, or with the OCaml runtime (garbage collector). For compiled languages we might go via the ffi but it’s still way more complex for us. So for now you’re stuck with OCaml for user functions. There are worse languages.

Wouldn’t it be better if you apply the result of the user function to the transaction log iso the arguments?

Well, we’ve been thinking about that a lot before we started with user functions. The alternative is that we record and log the effect of the user function so that we can always replay that effect later, even when the code is no longer available. It’s an intriguing alternative, but it’s not a clear improvement. It all depends on the size of the arguments versus the size of the effect.
Some user functions have a small argument set and a big effect, while for other user functions it’s the other way around.

Closing words

Technically, it’s not too difficult to hook in your own functionality into Arakoon. Just make sure the thing you want to hook in does not have major flaws.

have fun,


Caulking your distributed algorithm implementation

Me: Ok, all unit tests succeed.
All system tests succeed.
All acceptance tests succeed.
(some time later)
NN: We have a problem with your distributed database.
Me: Ok, what’s the matter?
NN: Once in a while the cluster seems to get stuck.
Me: Stuck how?
NN: It seems to be unable to elect a master.
Me: What did you do to get there?
NN: We don’t know, but we have the logs. Here they are. Happy hunting.
Me: $#%#&*!
(some time later)
Me: Aha, that’s what went wrong!


The Arakoon team has spent a big part of the last two years on variations of this theme. Some of the problems turned out to configuration problems (sometimes even of other clusters), but there definitely were situations where the issue was a caused by an implementation error. As it turns out, they all have the same cause: not all possible scenarios were covered. So, is it possible to escape this vicious circle?

We already learned some things (see this previous blog post), so we use asynchronuous message passing and removed all IO from our implementation. So what’s left?
Well we have a set of distributed objects with well defined states and a set of messages that can be exchanged between them. Can’t we just generate all possible states of the distributed system and all possible messages and check how the relationships between them? This is non-trivial as the number of possible states is infinite and so is the number of possible messages. On the other hand, most state combinations are bad and inconsistent, and most messages are irrelevant… There might be something we can do.

Growing a state space-ish diagram

What if we start from a consistent starting state for all objects (let’s call this the system state), generate all relevant messages that can be exchanged from that state and apply them in all possible orders. The system states that can be reached in this way from the starting state should all be consistent. If we find a state that’s not consistent, we stop. For consistent system states, we can iterate. What about inconsistent states? Well, clearly this means our algorithm is capable of doing bad things. We should check the scenario that produced this and fix it, and iterate again. Is this doable? Well, maybe… and what about simulating dropped messages?

Humble beginnings

Let’s start small. What about growing a Basic Paxos implementation for a system of three nodes? Modelling the messages should not be too difficult:

type 'v kind = 
  | Prepare   
  | Promise of 'v option
  | Accept  of 'v
  | Accepted  

type 'v message = {n:n; s:id; t:id; k:'v kind}

Each message is associated with a paxos round n, has a source s and a target t and has semantics described by its kind k. Finally there’s some value type (‘v) for the things the system should try to find consensus on. (You can find the code on Github)

Modelling the agents is a bit more work:

type 'v agent_state = 
  | SHalted 
  | SIdle 
  | SRequest  of ('v proposal)
  | SPromised of 'v option
  | SLead of ('v * int) (* value, outstanding acks *)

type 'v agent = { 
  id : id;
  pop : id list;
  _n : n;
  state : 'v agent_state;
  store : (n * 'v) list;

An agent has an id, knows the other agents (pop), has a store and a current paxos round n. The interesting part is the inner state representing the role it’s playing. It can be halted or idle, requesting to become a leader for a proposal or leading an update.

Now we have messages and agents, we can model the state of the system.

type 'v network = 'v message list
type 'v agents  = 'v agent list
type 'v state   = { net: 'v network; ags: 'v agents}

The system state is merely a collection of agents (ags) and a network (net) representing the messages that can be delivered to the agents.

How can the state of the system change? First of all, the delivery of a message most likely will have an impact. We might add other moves later.

type 'v move = 
  | DeliverMsg of 'v message

Generating all moves is now easy: for every message in the network, there is a move that delivers it, and since we want to stop in bad states, we don’t generate messages there:

let generate_moves state = 
  if is_bad state 
  then []
    let deliver = (fun x -> DeliverMsg x) in

How about executing a move? There is some administration to do there.
We have a move to execute, a current state, a path that was followed to arrive at that state, and a set of observed states. If the move is the delivery of a message, we find the target agent and let him handle the message. This will change the agent’s state and produce some messages (extra).

 let execute_move move state path observed = 

    let deliver m ag = 
      let agent = find_agent ag m.t in
      let agent', extra = A.handle_message agent m in
      let ag' = replace_agent agent' ag in
      ag', extra
    let state' = 
      match move with
        | DeliverMsg m -> 
          let net' = remove m in
          let ags',extra = deliver m state.ags in
          { net = net' @ extra; ags = ags'}

Executing a move will cause a new system state. We will record observing the transition from the old state to the new by this move, and create the new path.

      let transition = (state_label state, move, state_label state') in
      TSet.add transition observed in
    state' , (move,state) :: path , observed'

The whole simulator is a few functions away:

  let rec check_all level state path observed = 
    if not (is_consistent state) then raise (Bad (path,state));
    if level = limit
    then observed
      let rec loop observed = function
        | [] -> observed
        | move :: rest ->
          let state', path', observed' = execute_move move state path observed in
          let observed'' = check_all (level + 1) state' path' observed' in
          loop observed'' rest
      let moves = generate_moves state in
      loop observed moves

  let run state0 = check_all 0 state0 [] TSet.empty 

Basically we start from an initial state, go down the tree of possible moves, execute all these and accumulate observed transitions.

Generating a diagram is trivial with Graphviz. Just iterate over the observed transitions. (not shown here, see on Github for details )

The simulation

We create 3 agents, let the first one start on a value, run our simulator from the starting state, and dottify the observed transitions.

let main () = 
  let ids = id [1;2;3] in
  let a1,a1_out = start (make_agent (Id 1) ids) "x" in
  let a2,a2_out = (make_agent (Id 2) ids),[] in
  let a3,a3_out = (make_agent (Id 3) ids),[] in
  let world = [a1;a2;a3] in
  let state0 = {net = a1_out @ a2_out @ a3_out; ags = world} in
    let observed = state0 in
    M.dottify state0 observed 
  with (M.Bad (path, state)) ->
    Printf.eprintf "bad path:\n";
    M.dump_path path;
    Printf.eprintf "%s\n" (state_label state)


Let’s try this on a brain-dead simple implementation of an agent.
One that goes to the halted state as soon as it receives a message, while sending out no message at all.

module Mark0 = (struct
  let handle_message agent message = halt agent, []

end : ALGO)

What do we see here? First, there is a labelling scheme for states: R1I0I0 means the first agent has n=1 and is in a Requesting state, while the second and third agents ar in Idle state with n=0.
After the delivery of the {Prepare;1->2;n=1} message, a prepare from agent 1 to agent 2, the second agent halts. Likewise for the other prepare message. This looks ok, so let’s move on.


Let’s build an agent implementation that covers the happy path.

module Mark1 = (struct

  let prepare_when_idle source n agent= 
    let an = agent._n in
    if n > an 
      let pv = None in
      let agent' = {agent with state = SPromised pv; _n = n;} in
      let msg = {n = n;s =;t = source; k = Promise pv } in
      let out = [msg] in
      agent', out
      halt agent,[]
  let promise_for_request (source:id) (mn:n) vo (proposal:'v proposal) agent = 
    let pv,pballot = proposal in
    if mn = agent._n
      let pballot' = Ballot.register_vote pballot source vo in
      if Ballot.have_majority pballot' 
        let value = Ballot.pick_value pballot' in
        let outstanding_acks = Ballot.quorum pballot' -1 in
        let me = in
        let targets = others agent in
        let make_msg t = {n = mn; s = me; t ; k =  Accept value} in
        let broadcast = make_msg targets in
        let agent' = { agent with 
            store = (mn,value) ::;
            state = SLead (value, outstanding_acks);
        agent', broadcast
        agent, []
      halt agent, []
  let handle_accept m v agent = 
    match agent.state with
      | SPromised vo when agent._n = m.n -> 
        let agent' = {agent with state = SIdle; store = (m.n, v) ::;} in
        let out = [{n = m.n;s =;t = m.s;k = Accepted}] in
        agent', out
      | _ -> halt agent, []
  let handle_accepted m agent =
    match agent.state with
      | SLead (v,out) when agent._n = m.n -> 
        let out' = out -1 in
        let state' = if out' = 0 then SIdle else SLead(v,out') in
        {agent with state = state'},[]          
      | _ -> halt agent, []

  let handle_message agent m = 
    match m.k with
      | Prepare when agent.state = SIdle -> prepare_when_idle m.s m.n agent
      | Promise vo -> 
          match agent.state with 
            | SRequest p -> promise_for_request m.s m.n vo p agent
            | _ -> halt agent, []
      | Accept v -> handle_accept m v agent
      | Accepted -> handle_accepted m agent
      | _ -> halt agent,[]
end : ALGO)

What does this do? (click on it to see the full picture)

The good news is that there are quite a number of paths from the initial state I0I0I0 that reach our happy state I1I1I1, but there are also a lot of scenarios that end up in bad states.
Let’s look at one in detail.

R1I0I0:{Prepare;1->3;n=1} --->
R1I0P1:{Promise;3->1;n=1} --->
L1I0P1:{Accept; 1->2;n=1} --->

What happened here? A Prepare message goes from agent 1 to agent 3. That agent sends a Promise back.
This causes agent 1 to become a leader and broadcast Accept messages. One of these reaches agent 1, which is clueless as it did not receive a Prepare message first. Agent 1 therefore halts.

The diagram allows us to understand scenarios that lead to bad states, and to modify the algorithm accordingly. This process of finding holes in your algorithm,patching them and iterating is something which I call caulking in absence of a better word. In this particular case, an agent that is Idle can receive an Accept for the next n and should be able to move to the Idle state at the next n.

What about dropped messages?

Earlier, I did not answer the question about the simulation of dropped messages. The above scenario should make clear that we are actually, in luck. There is no difference between that scenario and a scenario where a Prepare from agent 1 and agent 2 was dropped. In general, there is no difference between dropping a message and delaying it until it is no longer relevant. This means there is no need for us to simulate them at all!


Let’s caulk Mark1. Looking at the diagram, not a lot of things need to be fixed. Here’s a list of messages that go awry.

  • Accept;n when agent is Idle at pred n
  • Accepted;n when agent is already Idle at n
  • Promise;n when agent is already Leading at n
  • Promise;n when agent is already Idle at n

Ok, adapting the code is easy:

module Mark2 = (struct

  let prepare_when_idle source n agent= 
    let an = agent._n in
    if n > an 
      let pv = None in
      let agent' = {agent with state = SPromised pv; _n = n;} in
      let msg = {n = n;s =;t = source; k = Promise pv } in
      let out = [msg] in
      agent', out
      halt agent,[]
  let promise_for_request (source:id) (mn:n) vo (proposal:'v proposal) agent = 
    let pv,pballot = proposal in
    if mn = agent._n
      let pballot' = Ballot.register_vote pballot source vo in
      if Ballot.have_majority pballot' 
        let value = Ballot.pick_value pballot' in
        let outstanding_acks = Ballot.quorum pballot' -1 in
        let me = in
        let targets = others agent in
        let make_msg t = {n = mn; s = me; t ; k =  Accept value} in
        let broadcast = make_msg targets in
        let agent' = { agent with 
            store = (mn,value) ::;
            state = SLead (value, outstanding_acks);
        agent', broadcast
        agent, []
      halt agent, []
  let handle_accept m v agent = 
    let _accept m =         
      let agent' = {agent with state = SIdle; store = (m.n, v) ::;} in
      let out = [{n = m.n;s =;t = m.s;k = Accepted}] in
      agent', out
    match agent.state with
      | SPromised vo when agent._n = m.n -> _accept m
      | SIdle when (next agent._n) = m.n -> _accept m
      | _ -> halt agent, []
  let handle_accepted m agent =
    match agent.state with
      | SLead (v,out) when agent._n = m.n -> 
        let out' = out -1 in
        let state' = if out' = 0 then SIdle else SLead(v,out') in
        {agent with state = state'},[]          
      | SIdle when agent._n = m.n -> agent,[]
      | _ -> halt agent, []

  let handle_message agent m = 
    match m.k with
      | Prepare when agent.state = SIdle -> prepare_when_idle m.s m.n agent
      | Promise vo -> 
          match agent.state with 
            | SRequest p -> promise_for_request m.s m.n vo p agent
            | SLead(v,out) when agent._n = m.n -> agent, []
            | SIdle when agent._n = m.n -> agent, []
            | _ -> halt agent, []
      | Accept v -> handle_accept m v agent
      | Accepted -> handle_accepted m agent
      | _ -> halt agent,[]
end : ALGO)

Look at the output diagram:

Isn’t it nice that fixing the holes in our algorithm actually makes the diagram smaller? Since we don’t end up in bad states anymore, there are way less transitions. It’s also aesthetically pleasing graphviz shows all arrows from left to right, meaning there are no transitions that actually increase the distance between the current state and the state we’re aiming for.

What about agents that are wiped clean?

This kind of calamity is not too difficult to simulate. Basically it’s a move that puts the agent back in its starting state. Let’s add the possibility that one of the agents is wiped.

let generate_moves state = 
  if is_bad state 
  then []
    let deliver = (fun x -> DeliverMsg x) in
    let id3 = Id 3 in
    let agent = find_agent state.ags id3 in
    let wipe = 
      if is_halted agent 
      then [] 
      else [Wipe id3]
    deliver @ wipe 

Let’s try that…

./paxos.byte >
bad path:
1 ---(1: Prepare) ---> 3
3 ---(1: Promise) ---> 1
1 ---(1:  Accept) ---> 2
1 ---(1:  Accept) ---> 3
Wipe 3

Auch. There actually is something wrong here. As it turns out, there is a bug in the Mark2 module.
It’s this fragment that’s wrong:

 let handle_accept m v agent = 
    let _accept m =         
      let agent' = {agent with state = SIdle; store = (m.n, v) ::;} in
      let out = [{n = m.n;s =;t = m.s;k = Accepted}] in
      agent', out
    match agent.state with
      | SPromised vo when agent._n = m.n -> _accept m
      | SIdle when (next agent._n) = m.n -> _accept m
      | _ -> halt agent, []

Handling an Accept when the agent is in the Idle state should also set the n correctly (the one of the message). Let’s fix that and try again.
Here it is:

Again, we’re confronted with lots of bad states but we know how to fix that. What are the scenarios that bring us in bad states? As it turns out, these are all caused by old Prepare messages. Adding that and generating the diagram again yields:

Indeed, wiping an agent moves to a state somewhere to the left of the current state, which matches the idea of being further away from our goal.

Are we there yet?

So far, we only addressed cases where there is only 1 agent in a requesting state. So what would happen if there are two agents requesting something at the same time?
Happy caulking!

Closing Remarks

Arriving at a correct implementation of an algorithm is difficult, but even more so in the case of distributed systems. This blog post shows a strategy you can apply in caulking your own implementations. As stated before, making your implementation pure helps you a lot.

Have fun,


Tracking Asynchronous IO Using Type Systems

Some time ago I gave a short presentation to some colleagues of mine about the
Python gevent library, and the low-level libraries it uses to perform its job
(which mainly boils down to handle asynchronous IO and managing the microthreads
waiting for these asynchronous actions to complete, using libev or libevent as
a wrapper around select/poll/epoll and the greenlet hack to support lightweight
threads in Python).

The gevent library contains a module which monkey-patches several modules in the
Python standard library to change their synchronous nature into an asynchronous
implementation running on top of the gevent mainloop, including socket and
thread. This is required to work around one of the major pitfalls whenever
trying to use async IO in a runtime like Python: any existing code/library/…
which performs (standard) blocking calls somehow, will block the
(single-threaded, from an OS perspective) mainloop, and as such inhibit
execution of any runnable microthreads at the time (this is something where e.g.
node.js has an edge over Python when developing highly concurrent servers. Do
not fear, I won’t get into the topic of whether or not it’s a good idea to write
highly concurrent and scalable services in Python or Javascript in this post).

Next to providing a mechanism to handle concurrent IO, the use of greenlets to
manage threads of execution also introduces another useful property of gevent:
instead of threads backed by OS threads, executed in parallel on an SMP system,
using preemptive multitasking, the lightweight threads are scheduled in
userspace by the library itself, in a cooperative manner: the places at which a
thread of execution yields execution (also known as ‘switch’ in gevent) is
explicity defined inside the code (whether it’s yours or in some library). As
such one can make assumptions (or rather, assertions) about some code using
some mutable data shared across execution threads which can be thread-safe in
the cooperative settings, whilst it would be unsafe in a preempted scenario.

The latter raised an interesting question from a colleague: is there a way to
assert some code will not yield execution, i.e. some section will always be
executed as an atomic block? This is, obviously, an important consideration
when relying on this property when writing code without locks which would
become incorrect if the tread could be switched out!

I answered (maybe to their surprise) this is certainly possible and standard
practice in some languages, yet as far as I know not in Python (or, at least,
not very elegant). I didn’t get into this any further at the time, yet here’s a
post in which we will devise such tracking system.

It’s based on several concepts from the world of Functional Programming, yet
don’t fear: you don’t need any knowledge about any FP concepts at all. Read on
and enjoy the ride!

Asynchronous Programming

As you most likely heard, there are 2 ways data can be provided to something
making a request: synchronously, or asynchronously. In the prior system, the
requesting entity will wait (block) until it receives a response, then
continue execution. When using the asynchronous pattern, some code will issue a
request, then tell the system what to do when the request completed and a
result is available, and then continues working on something else, or yielding
execution to some other execution thread (please make sure to make a strong
distinction between thread of execution and system thread: there might be
some relation between these in some programming patterns, yet conceptually
they’re different beasts!).

Note there’s a major difference between execution mechanisms (sync vs. async)
and APIs: whilst some APIs explicitly expose their asynchronous execution
nature by using callbacks (think node.js, Twisted‘s Deferred type, which is a
sort of callback-on-steroids,…), others might look as if every call is a
blocking procedure call, yet internally everything is dispatched using some
asynchronous mechanism (think CPS, ‘Future‘-style APIs which get compiled
into something using CPS, or (you guessed it) systems like gevent or the IO
manager and microthreads as found in GHC‘s Haskell runtime).

The differences (or should I say, similarities?) of these styles deserve a
complete post on their own though!

Enter Types

Whenever we want to track something at a code level (which is basically, at
compile time), all we can use is what is known at this compile time: types. We
can’t rely on any values (since there are no actual values available! Go
figure: since much use of asynchronous programming is found when handling IO,
it’d be funny to know what we’ll receive on a socket at runtime while compiling
the program)!

We invent a name for the type which will be used to tag all values which we
received thanks to some sort of asynchronous call (which might introduces a
yield point): we’ll call it async. Now this is rather useless: async

Those of you who toyed with generics before in Java, C#, Scala or anything
alike might think the answer is rather trivial: we create a generic type to
tag the actual type of the value we retrieved using an async call! These
generic types are also known as higher kinded type in FP, yet you shouldn’t
care too much about this for the rest of this discourse.

So, we now got our type, written as ‘a async (using OCaml notation). This is
similar to Async<A> in Java and C# (as far as I remember). For those new to
generics: think of a list of items. One could have a list of strings, one of
ints, myobjects or anything else. The type of these lists will then be string
, int list and myobject list. We can write functions which can act on
any kind of lists (e.g. check whether the list is empty: it doesn’t matter
what type of values the list contains!). As such the list type is defined as a
more generic type which takes a type parameter: ‘a list. It’s
parametrised over type ‘a.

So, char async is a char we obtained using using some async action, and
a value of type string async is a string we got through some async call (it’s
an action which will yield a string value). Do note string async and string
are completely different types, as such it’s not (and should not be!) possible
to pass a value of type string async to a function which takes a string
value as its input. You could consider a value of type string to be a real
string value, a sequence of characters, whilst a value of type string async
is the representation of "a string value we’ll retrieve using some async call",
which is not the value itself.

Note this type comes pretty close to a Future, which is also often
parametrised (a generic class) Future<A>, which signifies "a box which will
eventually contain a value of type A".


For our system to work, we’ll need a couple of primitive, magic operations,
provided by the system, which are the basic building blocks of everything
above. These are the operations which implement the most low-level async
procedures which can only be provided by the runtime system. Everything else
can be constructed on top of these by combining functions and actions and as
such building our applications, composing entities into larger entities.

We will only introduce 3 of these primitives, which should be sufficient for
the mechanism outlined in this post to be clear. In a real, production library
or runtime system one would need a couple of more of these primitive actions to
able to do something interesting, of course!

Of these 3 actions, 2 work on file descriptors: one writes a given string to a
given file descriptor and doesn’t return any result (we assume the data will
always be written at once, and this will never fail, unlike the write(2)
system call, obviously), the other reads a string of requested length from a
given file descriptor (the same principle with regard to success and failure

The third action allows a thread to sleep for a given amount of time (say,
seconds, although that obviously doesn’t make any difference). The result of
this action contains the number of seconds the thread actually did sleep.

Here are the prototypes. Note unit is a type with only a single value, (),
which is used when some other languages use void (it’s not exactly the same
thing, but for now this comparison should hold):

write : file_descr -> string -> unit async
read : file_descr -> int -> string async
sleep : int -> int async

Keeping the Genie in the Bottle

Ok, first steps are done: we got a type to wrap values which were obtained
using an async action, and we got a couple of actions defined. Next step: doing
something useful with these operations!

Let’s start with a very simple exercise: writing an action which reads a single
character from standard input (a value named stdin of type file_descr) and
writes it to standard output (a value named stdout of type file_descr).

First, we’ll create 2 utility functions to handle standard input and output, by
using partial application (if you don’t know what this is, consider the
following example: given the function mul :: int -> int -> int which
multiplies 2 integers, we can use partial application and call mul with a
single argument, e.g. 10, which results in a function of type int -> int.
Whenever passing an argument to this function, the result will be 10 times this

let read_stdin = read stdin
let write_stdout = write stdout

The types:

read_stdin : int -> string async
write_stdout : string -> unit async

Now we could try to write our program:

let attempt () =
    let char = read_stdin 1 in
    let _ = write_stdout char in

Failure all over! First of all, the code will not type-check:

Error: This expression has type string async
       but an expression was expected of type string

referring to the char argument on the line calling write_stdout.

Here’s why: write_stdout wants its first argument to be of type string
(this is the type of the second argument of write, as you know), but the
value we provide, named char, is not of type string: its type is
string async, the return type of the read_stdin (or further down read)

Next to that, if the code would type-check, our initial goal would have
failed: the type of attempt would be unit -> unit, which doesn’t signify
we used some of the async primitives at all! Our action must return something
of type unit async, and there should be no way to write an action whose
return type is not ‘a async for some type ‘a!

Back to the drawing board… It looks like standard assignment and passing
values around as-is won’t work (remember I stressed it’s important to make the
distinction between a string value and something representing some string
retrieved using some async action of type string async?).

We dig into our FP toolkit once more, and grab another hammer (after the type
system we used earlier): function composition! Or, in this case, action

What we want is a function we can use to link two actions together into a
new action!

Let’s try to figure out some type signature for such function:

link : 'a async -> 'b async -> 'b async

link takes an initial action which yields something of type ‘a, a second
action which yields a ‘b, and combines these into an action which also yields
a ‘b async action.

But wait, this can’t be right either! In this setup, the second action still
has no way to retrieve and actually use the ‘a value as encapsulated by the
first action!

We need to extend our link function to unwrap whatever the first given action
yields, then pass it to the second argument as a proper value it can use,
whilst still making sure the fact there’s something asynchronous going on is

Here’s what the type of our link function should look like:

link : 'a async -> ('a -> 'b async) -> 'b async

The second argument now became a function (cool, uh, functions taking functions
as arguments? These are also called "higher-order functions" (remember
"higher-kinded types"?) and are very powerful) which takes a value of type
‘a, and results in an action of type ‘b async, which is then used as the
result of the link function.

Note how you can see, only by looking at the type signature, the actual ‘a
value can never be leaked out of some other ‘b async action, since that’s
what the second argument must return, and only this function ever gets access
to the plain ‘a value?

Do note we will not discuss how link is implemented, since this is
unrelated to this post, and depends on how the whole library is designed and

Let’s get back to our single-character echo action: using link, we need an
initial action of type ‘a async. We got that: read_stdin 1 has type
string async. Ok, next we need a function of type ‘a -> ‘b async. We know
what ‘a is now, since we already decided to use read_stdin 1 as first
argument, so ‘a is string. We’re looking for a function of type
string -> ‘b async which writes the given string to the screen. This is easy:
write_stdout has exactly this type, using unit for ‘b!

Here goes:

let echo_one = link (read_stdin 1) write_stdout

The type of echo_one is unit async, like we want it to be!

From now on though, we won’t use the name link anymore: this is just
something I made up. A more common name for such function is bind, which
we’ll use from now on. Next to that, there’s an infix operator (an infix
operator is a function which takes 2 arguments and is placed in-between
these arguments instead of before them, like the + in 1 + 2) called >>=.
This allows us to rewrite our echo_one action like this:

let echo_one' = read_stdin 1 >>= write_stdout

Let’s make things more interesting: writing an action which reads 10 characters
from standard input, then sleeps maximum 2 seconds, then writes these
characters to some given file descriptor:

let sleepy_writer out =
    read_stdin 10 >>= fun data ->
    sleep 2 >>= fun _ ->
    write out data

You might notice the use of indentation and anonymous functions, and we ignore
the result of the sleep action (we use _ as its binding name), but the
code should be easy to understand.

If this isn’t clear, here’s how to read the above snippet: we define a function
called sleepy_writer which takes a single argument called out. Upon
invocation, the function will result in 10 chars to be read from stdin.
read_stdin 10 is an action which, upon completion, will yield a string. We
bind a function which takes this string value (which we bind to the name
data in an anonymous function) and returns another action: everything starting
with sleep up until the very end of the function body. So, once read_stdin
has completed, we continue with this next action, which will make the
current thread of execution sleep for 2 seconds. Once again, we bind this to a
function which takes the value which the sleep 2 action yields and ignores
this (by binding it to the name _), then results in one last action which will
be executed as well, and will write the data value (which is at that moment in
scope!) to the given out file descriptor. The result of the sleepy_writer
action will be the result of the write action.

Try to figure out the type of sleepy_writer. Got it?

sleepy_writer : file_descr -> unit async

Notice we didn’t get rid of the async marker!

Finally, an action which keeps reading chunks of data of given chunk size from
a given file descriptor, then writes it to another given file descriptor:

let rec copy_stream chunk_size in_fd out_fd =
    read in_fd chunk_size >>= fun data ->
    write out_fd data >>= fun () ->
    copy_stream chunk_size in_fd out_fd

Even though copy_stream is infinitely-recursive, its type can be calculated:

copy_stream : int -> file_descr -> file_descr -> 'a async

Yet again, the async marker sticks.

Do note, in real-world code, one should not use a top-level rec definition
but define some loop action in the body etc.

Return, But Not As You Know It

One last step in our journey is required. Up until now all actions we created
by combining other actions using bind had the result value of the last
action in this chain as their result, whilst in some actions we want to
calculate such result and return value. Due to the constraints we wanted to
achieve (and as imposed by the only function we can use to actually use
actions, bind) we can’t just use plain values, they need to be wrapped in the
async container as well. So here’s what we need: something which turns an
‘a into an ‘a async:

whatever_it_is_called : 'a -> 'a async

For some reasons, this function is mostly called return. Don’t be mistaken,
this is completely unrelated to the return statement as found in
C/Java/C#/Python/PHP/… and is no related to end the execution of a procedure
and signal some result value or anything alike. It’s a normal function to put
a value in an async box, even though this value itself was not retrieved
using some async action as-is:

return : 'a -> 'a async

Given this, we can write some more interesting actions. As a first example,
let’s write an action which reads a single line from a given file descriptor by
reading characters one-by-one until it finds an ‘n’ character, then yields
the line it read (without the newline):

let read_line fd =
    let rec loop acc =
        read fd 1 >>= fun char ->
        if char = "\n"
        then return acc
        else loop (acc ^ char)
    loop ""

If you’re not versed into FP yet, this might be somewhat hard to read and
understand at first. Take a second look and follow the execution flow manually,
it’ll become clear. It might be useful to know the ^ operator is used to
concatenate strings:

(^) : string -> string -> string

Did you try to figure out the type of read_line? It’s as intended:

read_line : file_descr -> string async

One more example: since the sleep action might return even before the
requested number of seconds has passed (don’t ask me why, I just made that up),
we want to write an action which sleeps at least the given number of seconds,
and as little more as possible (otherwise we could sleep eternally. Nice
try!). We don’t care how long we slept in the end (which is a rather stupid
requirement: a serious API would return this value, and a caller is free to
ignore this).

Here we go:

let sleep_min sec =
    let rec loop left =
        sleep left >>= fun slept ->
        if left < slept
        then return ()
        else loop (left - slept)
    loop sec

The type of sleep_min? int -> unit async.


Here we are! Using the ‘a async type, bind and return, we have a system
which allows us to combine and use asynchronous actions, whilst being sure we
can never forget something async is going on under the hood, no matter how
complex the actions themselves become. If we don’t see something of the
‘a async type, we can be certain nothing is using the async primitives

Notice how we were able to implement something which gives what we wanted from
the beginning, without any specific support in the language we’re using:
only fairly standard type system requirements, and functions, as available in
several languages, including OCaml, Haskell and several others (although in
large languages without first-class functions etc. syntax might become an
issue, thinking of Java and alike).

Thanks to the use of types, the compiler can be very helpful during development
to reduce the number of potential runtime issues. Even though a system like the
above can be implemented in dynamic-typed languages like Python or Ruby, having
compile-time type checking offers a lot of safety!

Note this has been a very basic introduction, so now comes…

Going From Here

Once you reached this point, you might want to get to know more about the
mechanics behind the system outlined above. As some might have heard, bind
and return are often used in the presence of monads, and indeed, one might
think our ‘a async type is monadic (it might be, but not necessarily: the
monad laws won’t be fulfilled in the presence of real IO). Overall monads
provide a way to track "things with a tag which should always keep this tag".
The above is a very informal definition and introduction, but the interested
reader might refer to one of the many monad tutorials available on the internet
(all of varying quality and usefulness).

Next to this, reading up on functors (not the OCaml kind, but things with the
function fmap :: (a -> b) -> ‘a f -> ‘b f) could be useful as well (our
‘a async type is a functor, like any other monad:
let fmap f a = a >>= fun v -> return (f v)).

Some links:

The Game of Distributed Systems Programming. Which Level Are You?


When programming distributed systems becomes part of your life, you go through a learning curve. This article tries to describe my current level of understanding of the field, and hopefully points out enough mistakes for you to be able follow the most optimal path to enlightenment: learning from the mistakes of others.
For the record: I entered Level 1 in 1995, and I’m currently Level 3. Where do you see yourself?

Level 0: Clueless

Every programmer starts here. I will not comment too much here as there isn’t a lot to say. Instead, I quote some conversations I had, and offer some words of advice to developers that never battled distributed systems.

NN1:”replication in distributed systems is easy, you just let all the machines store the item at the same time

Another conversation (from the back of my memory):

NN: “For our first person shooter, we’re going to write our own networking engine”
ME: “Why?”
NN: “There are good commercial engines, but license costs are expensive and we don’t want to pay these.”
ME: “Do you have any experience in distributed systems?”
NN: “Yes, I’ve written a socket server before.”
ME: “How long do you think you will take to write it?”
NN: “I think 2 weeks. Just to be really safe we planned 4.”

Sometimes it’s better to remain silent.

Level 1: RPC

RMI is a very powerful technique for building large systems. The fact that the technique can be described, along with a working example, in just a few pages, speaks volumes of Java. RMI is tremendously exciting and it’s simple to use. You can call to any server you can bind to, and you can build networks of distributed objects. RMI opens the door to software systems that were formerly too complex to build.

Peter van der Linden, Just Java (4th edition, Sun Microsystems)

Let me start by saying I’m not dissing this book. I remember disctinctly it was fun to read (especially the anecdotes between the chapters), and I used it for the Java lessons I used to give (In a different universe, a long time ago). In general, I think well of it. His attitude towards RMI however, is typical of Level 1 distributed application design. People that reside here share the vision of unified objects. In fact, Waldo et al describe it in detail in their landmark paper “a note on distributed computing” (1994), but I will summarize here:
The advocated strategy to writing distributed applications is a three phase approach. The first phase is to write the application without worrying about where objects are located and how their communication is implemented. The second phase is to tune performance by “concretizing” object locations and communication methods. The final phase is to test with “real bullets” (partitioned networks, machines going down, …).

The idea is that whether a call is local or remote has no impact on the correctness of a program.

The same paper then disects this further and shows the problems with it. It has thus been known for almost 20 years that this concept is wrong. Anyway, if Java RMI achieved one thing, it’s this: Even if you remove transport protocol, naming and binding and serialization from the equation, it still doesn’t work. People old enough to rember the hell called CORBA will also remember it didn’t work, but they have an excuse: they were still battling all kinds of lower level problems. Java RMI took all of these away and made the remaining issues stick out. There are two of them. The first is a mere annoyance:

Network Transparency isn’t

Let’s take a look at a simple Java RMI example (taken from the same ‘Just Java’)

public interface WeatherIntf extends javva.rmi.Remote{
  public String getWeather() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;    

A client that wants to use the weather service needs to do something like this:

     Remote robj = Naming.lookup("//localhost/WeatherServer");
     WeatherIntf weatherserver = (WeatherInf) robj;
     String forecast = weatherserver.getWeather();
     System.out.println("The weather will be " + forecast);
  }catch(Exception e){

The client code needs to take RemoteExceptions into account.
If you want to see what kinds of remote failure you can encounter, take a look at the more than 20 subclasses. Ok, so your code will be a tad less pretty. We can live with that.

Partial Failure

The real problem with RMI is that the call can fail partially. It can fail before the action on the other tier is invoked, or the invocation might succeed but the return value might not make it afterwards, for whatever reason. These failure modes are in fact the very defining property of distributed systems or otherwise stated:

“A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer unusable”
(Leslie Lamport)

If the method is just the retrieval of a weather forecast, you can simply retry, but if you were trying to increment a counter, retrying can have results ranging from 0 to 2 updates. The solution is supposed to come from idempotent actions, but building those isn’t always possible. Moreover, since you decided on a semantic change of your method call, you basically admit RMI is different from a local invocation. This is an admission of RMI being a fallacy.

In any case the paradigm is a failure as both network transparency and architectural abstraction from distribution just never materialise. It also turns out that some software methodologies are more affected than others. Some variations of scrum tend to prototype. Prototypes concentrate on the happy path and the happy path is not the problem. It basically means you will never escape Level 1. (sorry, this was a low blow. I know)

People who do escape Level 1 understand they need to address the problem with the respect it deserves. They abandon the idea of network transparency, and attack the handling of partial failure strategically.

Level 2: Distributed Algorithms + Asynchronous messaging + Language support

<sarcasm>”Just What We Need: Another RPC Package” </sarcasm>
(Steve Vinoski)

Ok, you’ve learned the fallacies of distributed computing. You decided to bite the bullet, and model the message passing explicitly to get a control of failure.
You split your application into 2 layers, the bottom being responsible for networking and message transport, while the upper layer deals with the arrival of messages, and what needs to be done when they do.
The upper layer implements a distributed state machine, and if you ask the designers what it does, they will tell you something like : “It’s a multi-paxos implementation on top of TCP”.
Development-wise, the strategy boils down to this: Programmers first develop the application centrally using threads to simulate the different processes. Each thread runs a part of the distributed state machine, and basically is responsible for running a message handling loop. Once the application is locally complete and correct, the threads are taken away to become real processes on remote computers. At this stage, in the absence of network problems, the distributed application is already working correctly. In a second phase fault tolerance can be straighforwardly achieved by configuring each of the distributed entities to react correctly to failures (I liberally quoted from “A Fault Tolerant Abstraction for Transparent Distributed Programming).

Partial failure is handled by design, because of the distributed state machine. With regards to threads, there are a lot of options, but you prefer coroutines (they are called fibers, Light weight threads, microthreads, protothreads or just theads in various programming languages, causing a Babylonic confusion) as they allow for fine grained concurrency control.

Combined with the insight that “C ain’t gonna make my network any faster”, you move to programming languages that support this kind of fine grained concurrency.
Popular choices are (in arbitrary order)

(Note how they tend to be functional in nature)

As an example, let’s see what such code looks like in Erlang (taken from Erlang concurrent programming)


-export([start/0, ping/2, pong/0]).

ping(0, Pong_PID) ->
    Pong_PID ! finished,
    io:format("ping finished~n", []);

ping(N, Pong_PID) ->
    Pong_PID ! {ping, self()},
        pong ->
            io:format("Ping received pong~n", [])
    ping(N - 1, Pong_PID).

pong() ->
        finished ->
            io:format("Pong finished~n", []);
        {ping, Ping_PID} ->
            io:format("Pong received ping~n", []),
            Ping_PID ! pong,

start() ->
    Pong_PID = spawn(tut15, pong, []),
    spawn(tut15, ping, [3, Pong_PID]).

This definitely looks like a major improvement over plain old RPC. You can start reasoning over what would happen if a message doesn’t arrive.
Erlang gets bonus points for having Timeout messages and a builtin after Timeout construct that lets you model and react to timeouts in an elegant manner.

So, you picked your strategy, your distributed algorithm, your programming language and start the work. You’re confident you will slay this monster once and for all, as you ain’t no Level 1 wuss anymore.

Alas, somewhere down the road, some time after your first releases, you enter troubled waters. People tell you your distributed application has issues. The reports are all variations on a theme. They start with a frequency indicator like “sometimes” or “once”, and then describe a situation where the system is stuck in an undesirable state. If you’re lucky, you had adequate logging in place and start inspecting the logs. A little later, you discover an unfortunate sequence of events that produced the reported situation. Indeed, it was a new case. You never took this into consideration, and it never appeared during the extensive testing and simulation you did. So you change the code to take this case into account too.

Since you try to think ahead, you decide to build a monkey that pseudo randomly lets your distributed system do silly things. The monkey rattles its cage and quickly you discover a multitude of scenarios that all lead to undesirable situations like being stuck (never reaching consensus) or even worse: reaching an inconsistent state that should never occur.

Having a monkey was a great idea, and it certainly reduces the chance of encountering something you’ve never seen before in the field. Since you believe that a bugfix goes hand in hand with a testcase that first produced the bug, and now proves its demise, you set out to build just that test. Your problem however is reproducing the failure scenario is difficult, if not impossible. You listen to the gods as they hinted when in doubt, use brute force. So you produce a tests that runs a zillion times to compensate the small probability of the failure. This makes your bug fixing process slow and your test suites bulky. You compensate again by doing divide and conquer on your volume of testsets. Anyway, after a heavy investment of effort and time, you somehow manage to get a rather stable system and ditto process.

You’re maxed out on Level 2. Without new insights, you’ll be stuck here forever.

Level 3: Distributed Algorithms + Asynchronous messaging + Purity

It takes a while to realise that a combination of long running monkeys to discover evil scenarios and brute force to reproduce them ain’t making it. Using brute force just demonstrates ignorance. One of the key insights you need is that if you could only remove indeterminism from the equation, you would have perfect reproducibility of every scenario. A major side effect of Level 2 distributed programming is that your concurrency model tends to go viral on your codebase. You desired fine grained concurrency control… well you got it. It’s everywhere. So concurrency causes indeterminism and indeterminism causes trouble. So concurrency must go. You can’t abandon it: you need it. You just have to ban it from mingling with your distributed state machine. In other words, your distributed state machine has to become a pure function. No IO, No Concurrency, no nothing. Your state machine signature will look something like this

module type SM = sig
  type state
  type action
  type msg
  val step: msg -> state -> action * state

You pass in a message and a state, and you get an action and a resulting state. An action is basically anything that tries to change the outside world, needs time to do so, and might fail while trying. Typical actions are

  • send a message
  • schedule a timeout
  • store something in persistent storage

The important thing to realise here is that you can only get to a new state via a new message. nothing else. The benefits of such a strict regime are legio. Perfect control, perfect reproducibility and perfect tracibility. The costs are there too. You’re forced to reify all your actions, which basically is an extra level of indirection to reduce your complexity. You also have to model every change of the outside world that needs your attention into a message.

Another change from Level 2 is the change in control flow. At Level 2, a client will try to force an update and set the machinery in motion. Here, the distributed state machine assumes full control, and will only consider a client’s request when it is ready and able to do something useful with it. So these must be detached.

If you explain this to a Level 2 architect, (s)he will more or less accept this as an alternative. It, however, takes a sufficient amount of pain (let’s call it experience or XP) to realize it’s the only feasible alternative.

Level 4: Solid domination of distributed systems: happiness, piece of mind and a good night’s rest

To be honest, as I’m a mere Level 3 myself, I don’t know what’s up here. I am convinced that both functional programming and asynchronous message passing are parts of the puzzle, but it’s not enough.
Allow me to reiterate what I’m struggling against. First, I want my distributed algorithm implementation to fully cover all possible cases.
This is a big deal to me as I’ve lost lots of sleep being called in on issues in deployed systems (Most of these turn out to be PEBKAC but some were genuine, and cause frustration). It would be great to know your implementation is robust. Should I try theorem provers, should I do exhaustive testing ? I don’t know.
As an aside, for an append only btreeish library called baardskeerder, we know we covered all cases by exhaustively generating insert/delete permutations and asserting their correctness. Here, it’s not that simple, and I’m a bit hesitant to Coqify the codebase.
Second, for reasons of clarity and simplicity, I decided not to touch other, orthogonal requirements like service discovery, authentication, authorization, privacy and performance.
With regard to performance, we might be lucky as the asynchronuous message passing at least doesn’t seem to contradict performance considerations.
Security however is a real bitch as it crosscuts almost everything else you do. Some people think security is a sauce that you can pour over your application to make it secure.
Alas, I never succeeded in this, and currently think it also needs to be addressed strategically during the very first stages of design.

Closing words

Developing robust distributed systems is a difficult problem that is practically unsolved, or at least not solved to my satisfaction.
I’m sure its importance will increase significantly as latency between processors and everything else increases too. This results in an ever growing area of application for this type of application development.

As far as Level 4 goes, maybe I should ask Peter Van Roy. Over the years, I’ve read a lot of his papers, and they offered me a lot of insight in my own mistakes. The downside of insight is that you see others repeating your mistakes and most of the time, I fail to convince people they should do it differently.
Probably, this is because I cannot offer the panacea they want. They want RPC and they want it to work. It’s perverse … almost religious

Tracing block device write request sizes in Linux using SystemTap

Recently some people started to wonder how Arakoon, our distributed key-value store, handles the drive on which data is stored. To be more precise, this boils down to how Tokyo Cabinet (which we currently use as database implementation) submits write requests to the kernel, and how the kernel processes these later on, after translating the filesystem-level requests into write operations in the block layer.

This is considered important to know due to the usage of SSD drives (think wear leveling and other issues coming with these devices).

Tracing how the application writes data to a file can be achieved using the strace tool, looking for write(2) and pwrite(2) calls (although this is not necessarily sufficient: the application might be writing to a file using mmap(2) memory mappings).

On most loads, this won’t correspond to how block requests are sent to the actual hardware, though: writes can be buffered, reordered, etc. What we want is a way to gather information of write requests in the kernel block layer.

In Linux, one can use SystemTap (which is somewhat like DTrace on Solaris) to hook into the kernel at runtime and collect statistics, or lots of other information. One writes a script in which one hooks into trace points or function calls, then processes the incoming information.

I won’t go into the installation of SystemTap, since this will depend on the distribution you’re running. Do note you might not need root access to execute the scripts (so you shouldn’t either!): on my Fedora 16 system, all I had to do was putting my user in the stapsys, stapusr and stapdev groups (although I’m not sure I really need to be in all of those…). You’ll need debugging symbol files of your running kernel available, among other things (in my experience attempting to run a script on a system where some prerequisites are missing will result in the stap tool telling you what you need).

Writing SystemTap scripts sometimes requires some knowledge of kernel internals, to know where to hook in. Since I wanted to gather some statistics about block-layer calls, I knew I had to look for calls in the ‘bio’ subsystem, short for “Block IO”. Luckily SystemTap comes with some predefined combinations of hooks, called ‘tapsets’. These are stored (on my system at least) in /usr/share/systemtap/tapset. One of these files is called ioblock.stp, which sounds interesting. Since I was too lazy to look for documentation, I opened the file in a pager and read through it. The ioblock.request tap looked interesting, which provides access to a size value. After reading some example SystemTap scripts, here’s what I came up with:

global writes

probe ioblock.request {
    if(bio_rw_num(rw) == BIO_WRITE)
        writes[devname] <<< size

probe end {
    foreach([devname] in writes-) {
        printf("Device: %s\n", devname)

Running this using the stap tool, and closing it after a while (using CTRL-C) gives the following output:

$ stap -v blockio.stp
Pass 1: parsed user script and 92 library script(s) using 210196virt/30852res/3136shr kb, in 140usr/20sys/251real ms.
Pass 2: analyzed script: 3 probe(s), 21 function(s), 2 embed(s), 2 global(s) using 452960virt/226472res/92556shr kb, in 1500usr/100sys/2541real ms.
Pass 3: translated to C into "/tmp/stapeJldxD/stap_e40cc31c16b7dd290dabd43749c577a4_12507_src.c" using 452960virt/226600res/92684shr kb, in 10usr/0sys/12real ms.
Pass 4: compiled C into "stap_e40cc31c16b7dd290dabd43749c577a4_12507.ko" in 1780usr/350sys/2595real ms.
Pass 5: starting run.
Device: sda5
value |-------------------------------------------------- count
    0 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                    30
    1 |                                                    0
    2 |                                                    0
  256 |                                                    0
  512 |                                                    0
 1024 |                                                    1
 2048 |                                                    0
 4096 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                        54
 8192 |@@@                                                 7
16384 |@                                                   3
32768 |                                                    0
65536 |                                                    0

Device: dm-2
value |-------------------------------------------------- count
    0 |@@                                                  5
    1 |                                                    0
    2 |                                                    0
  256 |                                                    0
  512 |                                                    0
 1024 |@                                                   2
 2048 |                                                    0
 4096 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                      58
 8192 |@@@@@@@                                            14
16384 |@@@                                                 6
32768 |                                                    0
65536 |                                                    0

Device: dm-4
value |-------------------------------------------------- count
    0 |@                                                   2
    1 |                                                    0
    2 |                                                    0
  256 |                                                    0
  512 |                                                    0
 1024 |@                                                   2
 2048 |                                                    0
 4096 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                      58
 8192 |@@@@@@@                                            14
16384 |@@@                                                 6
32768 |                                                    0
65536 |                                                    0

Device: dm-1
value |-------------------------------------------------- count
 1024 |                                                    0
 2048 |                                                    0
 4096 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 50
 8192 |                                                    0
16384 |                                                    0

Device: sda
value |-------------------------------------------------- count
 1024 |                                                   0
 2048 |                                                   0
 4096 |@@                                                 2
 8192 |                                                   0
16384 |                                                   0

Pass 5: run completed in 10usr/50sys/15274real ms.

This is a histogram of bio write requests to all block devices on my system while the script was running. If you’d see lots of requests smaller than the page size on an SSD device (this depends on the hardware), you might want to look into the write patterns of your application (although even then, things might not be as bad as they look like on first sight, since the SSD drive could perform batching, remapping and whatever else internally).

Do note the script output displayed above is not the behavior of Arakoon or Tokyo Cabinet: it depicts a rather standard desktop session (running Google Chrome, Evolution, Empathy, Skype and some more applications) during a very short timespan. The test was executed on a Fedora 16 laptop system, containing a spinning hard drive, using a combination of Ext4 and XFS on several LVM2 volumes on kernel 3.2.7-1.fc16.x86_64.

“How hard can it be?” – on coding, chess and elo


It happens to all programmers. After some preliminary work, you’re at the point where you can see the solution with your mind’s eye, and all that’s left to be done is to write the code. You split it into steps that you think will bring you success, and start coding. Quickly, you realize it’s not so simple, and a few days later you get a version running but you’re not happy with it. It’s fragile, big, and performing awfully. It has the elegance of a drinking giraffe, and you feel disappointed. Many programmers say to themselves at this point: ‘How hard can it be?’.
Even worse, their managers, who can’t code to save their lives, will ask the same question.

Let me share an insight that comforts me at times like these. I will try to answer that exact question.

A Lower Bound

I will cheat a bit, as trying to establish exactly how difficult programming is is too difficult for me. So I will settle for a lower bound. Let’s find something that’s actually easier than programming. Well, chess seems to be a good candidate.

Chess is a limited game. Its entire universe consists of only 64 squares. There are two armies of maximum 16 pieces, each piece following some simple rules. Players take turns. Each player moves a piece (exceptionally 2) and tries to mate his opponent. In the starting position, one has only 20 possible moves, and a complex position has some 50 possible moves (I have seen composed positions with more than 200 moves) of which maybe 10 seem actually playable. A game can last 200 moves, but a typical game hardly reaches 50 moves. In the end, you can only have a finite amount of possible positions.

Programming on the other hand is far less limited. You can combine algorithms, data structures, programming languages and paradigms in almost an infinite number of combinations. As you write code, the only thing holding you back is that you have to produce something that’s acceptable to the syntax of the programming language you’re using. Other than that you’re free. A programming language like Java has a simple (compared to C++ at least) grammar, but still is very rich in possibilities. You can take the grammar to build small classes. You can then take these classes, and combine them like Lego, to build more complex building blocks, ad infinitum. Event better, your playground (the hardware you work against) becomes more and more powerful so you can try things that were impossible just a few years ago. Compared it to chess, it seems that in programming you can combine pieces and build new ones, enlarge the board, and so on. Come to think of it, it’s safe to say programming is as least as complex as chess.

If someone would still have doubts, I can say that we build chess playing programs that will beat any human. How far are we on programming programs? Ok, Chess is indeed a lower bound. Programming is at least as hard as Chess. It might be a lot harder, but that is too hard to prove, so I’ll settle for ‘at least as hard’.

About Chess

Let’s talk about Chess some more. It is actually quite a mature game. The first professional supposedly was Abu-Bakr Muhammad ben Yahya as-Suli (854-946). He was the strongest player of his time, and author of a book describing a systematic way of playing Shatranj. Apparently, in the Arab World, one can still occasionally hear the complement “he played like Yahya as-Suli”. But he played one of chess’s predecessors.

Modern chess has been around for more than half a millenium, and people are quite surprised to learn that some of the standard manoeuvres have been around that long.
For example, every chess player knows the Lucena position shown below

which is attributed to Luis Ramirez de Lucena, who wrote a chess book published in 1497 (you read correctly: 1497!).

There are a great many chess books around. Google books answers intitle:chess with more than 200000 results. Only a minority of these books concern beginners as most of these target club players and above. It’s also funny to note that such a limited game is rich enough for lot of new books to be published every year.

About Chess Players

One of the interesting things about chess is that every player has an elo rating. This allows you to see exactly how good a player is, and it allows you to calculate the odds of a player winning a game against another player. Fide keeps records of the ratings, and has an online database you can browse. For example, let’s take two of the best players in the world, and compare them.Top dog Magnus Carlsen currently has a rating of 2835. If he’d play the number one US player Hikaru Nakamura, who currently has a rating of 2759, he will score about 0.60, or score about 6 points in a 10 game match.

import math
def expected(r_a,r_b):
    d = r_b - r_a
    e = d / 400.0
    n = 1 + math.pow(10,e)
    return 1.0/n

print expected(2835, 2759) 

A person’s chess rating evolves in time. If one scores better than one’s rating predicts, the rating will go up, and vice versa. Improving your chess skill equals an elo gain. For example, Anish Giri’s evolution can be found here. In fact, elo is so prevalent, that people use it to refer to an opponent: it is even more important than the opponents name. If a chess player wants to show his game to a collegue, he will say something like:”I’ve beaten a 1900 yesterday. Let me show you how it went”.

Wanna Play?

As it turns out, chess is too hard a problem for most people to master. A master (see International Master) has a rating somewhere above 2400. It is a level only a few people ever achieve (about 1 or 2 percent of chess enthusiasts world wide).

Personally, I can testify it is very difficult: I started playing at the age of 17, invested countless hours, read (at least bought) more than one hundred books, and I only reached a level of 2000. There are some defects in my game I just cannot seem to eliminate, so I must limit my ambition. Talking to people about the reasons for this, they say the main reason is that I started too late. Anyway, if I put in some more effort, maybe I can reach 2100. Maybe.

So You Think You Can Code?

Ok, let’s go back to programming. We asserted before that it is at least as difficult as chess, and then learned chess is actually very difficult. So programming is really really hard. A way to improve is by doing it, analysing where you went wrong, and iterate, hoping you improve while doing this.

Just like chess, reading a book about it will not make you a better programmer. If you’re lucky, and read a good book on the topic (be it chess or programming), you will get some insights in what you are doing wrong. But these insights themselves will not magically improve you. So you need to put in hard effort. Some of the things I learned that will help you do that effort are:

  • Tackle a new type of problem (a chess engine, a rendering engine, a distributed key value store, a compiler, …)
  • Learn a new programming language
  • Learn a new programming paradigm(FP,OO,Declarative)
  • Learn a new platform(GPU,FPGA,…)
  • Learn from a better programmer

Master Coders, Anyone?

Whatever the activity, some humans will be better than others. As with chess, in programming, there will exist some people that have reached ‘mastery’. But, I’m a sceptic. I haven’t seen any. Moreover, as long as we don’t have anything in place like programmer elo I can claim they haven’t been observed. Actually, programmer elo can function as a discriminator for authors too, just like it does for chess books (chess book written by a non-master are rare, and being a master is not a guarantee you’ll write a good book either, but that’s an entirely different discussion)
I’m quite annoyed by the books that come out telling me how to code or to organize the software development process, from people who are clueless. Long gone are the days I used to attach value to a thing merely because it was written down in a book. In fact, the more somebody tells me how to do it, the more suspicious I become. This is a direct result from my interaction with chess masters. Sometimes I ask advice from a chess master on a problem I faced, and most of the time they answer in a sort of fuzzy wordings like “I think you probably should try to arrange your pieces something like this …”. The same position, when shown to a lower rated player often leads to an explanation like this: “you need to first take here and then there, and push that pawn”. How can it be that the same position is unclear to a master, while it is clear to a patzer ? I think it comes from respect for the complexity of game. If you see more, you fear more.

Closing Words

Basically, I think two things are worth remembering from this post. First, programming is really really hard. Second, it would be beneficial if there would be a programmer elo. It would at least prevent some authors of gathering enough courage to publish a book on programming. It would certainly allow better hiring decisions, and maybe could help you earn the money you deserve for your efforts. Or are you overpaid?

have fun,


Post Scriptum

Some people remarked something like programmer elo couldn’t be done because programming isn’t a head-to-head competition. As it turns out, this is not necessary. Sites like show that you can also compete against puzzles. What happens there is that a competitor gets a puzzle. If he solves it, he collects points from the puzzle and the puzzle loses rating points. If the user fails, the puzzle collects points from the user. This way not only the users get sorted, but also the puzzles, which allows the site to always present users puzzles that more or less fit their level. The same concept can be used for any kind of test/examination. The good thing is that people get a tool to calculate their level and can work to improve it. Exactly the kind of feedback loop one needs.

Rediscovering the RSync Algorithm

A:Ok, you’re synchronizing this over the web;
and what do you use for the synchronization?

B: Oh, we implemented the rsync algorithm.
A: uhu. And what do you do with really big files?
B: The same.
A: And you also synchronise folders?
B: Yes.
A: And how do you do that?
B: we iterate over the folder, using the algorithm on every file, recursing over subfolders.
A: Can you try 2 things for me? First, a very large file; and second, a large codebase, and see if it holds.


First of all, I am an admirer of the (original) rsync algorithm. (I think) it was a first stab at file synchronization, and it was so good people still implement it today.
But if you don’t understand its strenghts and weaknesses you might be in for a disappointment.

The Problem

You have 2 files, A’ and A that are different but alike. They reside on 2 different locations connected through a network. You want to make A’ identical to A.

The simplest solution is to just copy A, but given the similarity between the two files, there has to be a better way.

Historical Interlude

Networks used to be notoriously bad in the early 90s. Everybody who was transferring archives over large distances instinctively knew about a critical download size.
If the archive was too large, it would take too long, yielding a 100% chance something would go wrong somewhere resulting in an interrupted download. Even if the (up- or) download succeeded, chances were a small part of the file got corrupted, and you had to start over. The two first alleviations to this problem were checksums to detect accidental corruptions, and resumptions (being able to start a download at a certain offset).

RSync took care of interrupted downloads, and also provided a better solution when your file was corrupt. On top of that, it allowed low cost propagation of small changes, opening up a whole new range of applications. System administrators had a shiny new hammer.

The RSync Strategy

RSync just does a single round trip. First it creates a signature of A’, sends it over. On the other location it scans the local file, tries to find parts that are in the signature, while constructing a recipe as a stream of instructions. It’s possible to derive the algorithm starting from a primitive version, improving it step by step.
Since it’s fun too, I’ll be doing that here. While we’re playing, we’ll abstract away from IO, because it clouds the algorithmical view.

Mark 0

Let’s attack this in pure caveman style. Making a signature is splitting the file in blocks of equal size (except maybe the last). Iterating over the blocks, you calculate a digest and accumulate digests and block identifiers. Block identifiers are just their number: the first block has id 0, the second block id 1 aso.

let file_signature f b_size = 
  let f_len = String.length f in
  let rec loop acc s i =
    if s = f_len 
    then acc
      let b_len = min b_size (f_len - s) in
      let b = String.sub f s b_len in
      let b_sig = block_signature b in
      let acc' = (b_sig,i) :: acc in
      loop acc' (s+b_len) (i+1)
  loop [] 0 0

We have lots of choice to calculate a block signature. Let’s be lazy and pick Digest.string which is the md5 checksum of the block.

let block_signature block = Digest.string block

To recreate the file you need to interprete the stream of instructions. But what would these instructions be?
Well, in this version, you can be told to copy over a block or write a char.

type instruction = 
  | C  of char
  | B  of int

Ok, how do you combine the signature together with the new file to generate a stream of instructions?
First thing that comes to mind is to scan over the new file, starting at position s

  • consider the block starting at s and try to find it in the signature.
  • if you find it, add a B j instruction, and jump a block forward.
  • if you miss it, add a C c instruction, and step forward 1 position.

Let’s do that:

let updates f0_sig b_size f1 = 
  let f1_len = String.length f1 in
  let rec loop acc s = 
    if s = f1_len 
    then List.rev acc
      let b_len = min b_size (f1_len - s) in
      let block = String.sub f1 s b_len in
      let u,step = 
          let d = block_signature block in
          let i = List.assoc d f0_sig in 
          (B i), b_len
        with Not_found -> (C block.[0]), 1
      let acc' = u :: acc in
      loop acc' (s + step)
  loop [] 0

The last step in our synchronisation scheme is to create a file using the old file,
together with the stream of instructions.

let apply old b_size ins =
  let old_len = String.length old in
  let buf = Buffer.create old_len in
  let add_block i = 
    let s = i * b_size in
    let b_len = min b_size (old_len - s) in
    let block = String.sub old s b_len in
    Buffer.add_string buf block
  let add_char c = Buffer.add_char buf c in
  let () = List.iter (function 
    | B i -> add_block i
    | C c -> add_char c) 
  Buffer.contents buf

So it took 60 lines of code to have a first stab at a synchronisation algorithm.
Let’s try this on an example:

let bs = 5
let remote = "aaaaabbbbbcccccdddddeeeeefffffggggghhhhhiiiiijjjjjkkk"
let mine = "aaaaabXbbbcccccddddde012"
let mine_s = file_signature mine bs

let delta = updates mine_s bs remote
let mine2 = apply mine bs delta;;

val bs : int = 5
val remote : string = "aaaaabbbbbcccccdddddeeeeefffffggggghhhhhiiiiijjjjjkkk"
val mine : string = "aaaaabXbbbcccccddddde012"

val mine_s : (Digest.t * int) list =
[("$\240\t\221\19200\222\199\2035\190|\222~#\n", 4);
("P\248M\175:m\253j\159 \201\248\239B\137B", 3);
("g\199b'k\206\208\158\228\22314\2137\209d\234", 2);
("\196\148\"\21926Lm\179V E=\201O\183,", 1);
("YO\128;8\nA9n\214=\2029P5B", 0)]

val delta : instruction list =
[B 0; C 'b'; C 'b'; C 'b'; C 'b'; C 'b'; B 2; B 3; C 'e'; C 'e'; C 'e';
C 'e'; C 'e'; C 'f'; C 'f'; C 'f'; C 'f'; C 'f'; C 'g'; C 'g'; C 'g';
C 'g'; C 'g'; C 'h'; C 'h'; C 'h'; C 'h'; C 'h'; C 'i'; C 'i'; C 'i';
C 'i'; C 'i'; C 'j'; C 'j'; C 'j'; C 'j'; C 'j'; C 'k'; C 'k'; C 'k']
val mine2 : string = "aaaaabbbbbcccccdddddeeeeefffffggggghhhhhiiiiijjjjjkkk"

Ok, it works, but how good is it?
Before I can answer this, first a note on block size. There are some ‘forces’ to be reckoned with

  • the blocksize needs to be big compared to the block signature.
  • if the blocksize is big, you will find less matches between the signature and the new file, so you need send more data back
  • if the blocksize is small, you have lots of them, meaning your signature will be bigger
    and you need an efficient lookup

The best blocksize will be depend not only on the file size, but on the actual changes.
How important is it really?
Well, let’s sync 2 images:

These 2 images are bitmaps of 5.5 MB each (stored as .bmp).
(I actually uploaded smaller versions as it seems useless to let your browser download more than 10MB for just 2 silly image samples)
I’ll sync’em using different blocksizes and see what gives.

let main () =
  let bs = int_of_string (Sys.argv.(1)) in
  let () = Printf.printf "bs=%i\n" bs in
  let remote = get_data "new_image.bmp" in
  let () = Printf.printf "remote: size=%i%!\n" (String.length remote) in
  let mine = get_data "old_image.bmp" in
  let mine_s = X.file_signature mine bs in
  let () = Printf.printf "mine_s: len=%i%!\n" (Array.length mine_s) in
  let delta = X.updates mine_s bs remote in
  let (nbs,ncs) = List.fold_left (fun(bs,cs) i ->
    match i with
      | X.B _ -> (bs+1,cs)
      | X.C _ -> (bs,cs+1)
  ) (0,0) delta 
  let mine2 = X.apply mine bs delta in
  let () = Printf.printf "mine2: size=%i%!\n" (String.length mine2) in
  let () = Printf.printf "bs=%i;cs=%i\n" nbs ncs in

block size # block signatures blocks chars time
8192 704 535 1384448 71s
4096 1407 1084 1323008 92s
2048 2813 2344 960512 92s
1024 5626 4995 646144 115s
512 11251 10309 482304 172s
256 22501 20972 391424 283s
128 45001 42508 319104 537s

The first column is the block size. The second is the number of blocks in the file, the third is the number of B instructions and the fourth is the number of C instructions.
The last columns is measured execution time on my laptop. Processing time is the biggest issue. Ocaml is fast, but not fast enough to compensate for my brutal inefficiency. Imagine what it would do to a 4GB movie.

Mark 1

The problem is quickly revealed: List.assoc is not suited for long lists.
A better solution is use an array, sort it on block signature, and use binary search
(using a hashtable would be viable too).

let block_signature block = Digest.string block

let file_signature f b_size = 
  let f_len = String.length f in
  let s = ref 0 in
  let n_blocks = (f_len + b_size -1) / b_size in
  Array.init n_blocks 
    (fun i -> 
      let start = !s in
      let b_len = if start + b_size > f_len then f_len - start else b_size in
      let b = String.sub f start b_len in
      let b_sig = block_signature b in
      let () = s := start + b_len in

type instruction = 
  | C  of char
  | B  of int

let updates f0_sig b_size f1 = 
  let my_cmp (s0,i0) (s1,i1) = s0 s1 in
  let () = Array.sort my_cmp f0_sig in
  let len = Array.length f0_sig in
  let rec lookup b= 
    let rec find min max = 
      let mid = (min + max) / 2 in
      let (ms,mi) = f0_sig.(mid) in
      if ms = b 
      then mi
      else if min > max then raise Not_found
      else if b > ms then find (mid+1) max
      else find min (mid -1)
    find 0 (len -1)
  let f1_len = String.length f1 in
  let rec loop acc s = 
    if s = f1_len 
    then List.rev acc
      let b_len = min b_size (f1_len - s) in
      let block = String.sub f1 s b_len in
      let u,step = 
          let d = block_signature block in
          let i = lookup d in 
          (B i), b_len
        with Not_found -> (C block.[0]), 1
      let acc' = u :: acc in
      loop acc' (s + step)
  loop [] 0

let apply old b_size ins =
  let old_len = String.length old in
  let buf = Buffer.create old_len in
  let add_block i = 
    let s = i * b_size in
    let b_len = min b_size (old_len - s) in
    let block = String.sub old s b_len in
    Buffer.add_string buf block
  let add_char c = Buffer.add_char buf c in
  let () = List.iter (function 
    | B i -> add_block i
    | C c -> add_char c) 

block size # block signatures blocks chars time(s)
8192 704 535 1384448 41
4096 1407 1084 1323008 20
2048 2813 2344 960512 7.8
1024 5626 4995 646144 1.9
512 11251 10309 482304 1.1
256 22501 20972 391424 0.8
128 45001 42508 319104 0.9

Wow, this is quite unexpected (but we’re not complaining). So what happened? Well, the lookup was so dominating, it was cloaking all other behaviour.
Now, with the lookup out of the way, other things can be observed. The problem now is that a ‘miss’ not only causes a C instruction to be emitted, but more importantly, it causes another digest to be calculated. The less blocks are found, the higher the processing time.

Mark 2

The cost of the miss was solved by Andrew Tridgell by introducing a second, weaker hash function.
He used the Adler-32 checksum which is a rolling checksum. ‘Rolling’ means that
adler32(buffer[a+1:b+1])= cheap(adler32(buffer[a:b]), which makes it suitable for our problem here. The ocaml standard library does not have an adler32 module, so I hacked one up.
It’s a naieve implementation in that it follows the definition closely. In fact, most of the modulo operations can be avoided by doing some extra administration.
I didn’t bother.

module Adler32 = struct
  type t = {mutable a: int; mutable b: int; mutable c: int}
  let padler = 65521
  let make () = {a = 1 ;b = 0; c = 0}
  let from buf offset length = 
    let too_far = offset + length in
    let rec loop a b i= 
      if i = too_far 
      then {a; b; c = length}
      else (* modulo can be lifted with a bit of math *)
        let a' = (a + Char.code(buf.[i])) mod padler in
        let b' = (b + a') mod padler in
        loop a' b' (i+1)
    loop 1 0 offset
  let reset t = t.a <- 1;t.b <- 0; t.c <- 0
  let digest t = (t.b lsl 16) lor t.a 
  let out t c1 = 
    let x1 = Char.code c1 in
    t.a <- (t.a - x1) mod padler;
    t.b <- (t.b - t.c  * x1 -1) mod padler;
    t.c <- t.c - 1

  let rotate t c1 cn = 
    let up x = if x >= 0 then x else x + padler in
    let x1 = Char.code c1 in
    let xn = Char.code cn in
    t.a <- up ((t.a - x1 + xn) mod padler);
    t.b <- let f = (t.c * x1) mod padler in
           let r = (t.b - f + t.a -1) mod padler in 
           up r
  let update t buf offset length = 
    let too_far = offset + length in 
    let rec loop i = 
      if i = too_far then () 
        let x = Char.code buf.[i] in
        let () = t.a <- (t.a + x) mod padler  in
        let () = t.b <- (t.b + t.a) mod padler in
        let () = t.c <- t.c + 1 in
        loop (i +1)
    loop offset
  let string block = 
    let t = from block 0 (String.length block) in
    digest t

Adler32 is much weaker than md5 and using it exposes you to collisions. So in fact, it acts as a cheap test that might yield false positives. That’s the reason the rsync algo keeps both: if the adler32 of the buffer is found in the signature, there is a second check to see if the md5s match. The fact one sometimes needs to rotate the checksum and at other times needs to reinitialize if from a part of the buffer, complicates the calculation of the updates a bit.

The code is shown below.

let updates f0_sig b_size f1 = 
  let my_cmp (wh0,sh0,i0) (wh1, sh1,i1) = compare wh0 wh1 in
  let () = Array.sort my_cmp f0_sig in
  let len = Array.length f0_sig in
  let rec lookup w = 
    let rec find min max = 
      let mid = (min + max) / 2 in
      let (mw, ms,mi) = f0_sig.(mid) in
      if mw = w
      then (ms,mi)
      else if min > max then raise Not_found
      else if w > mw then find (mid+1) max
      else find min (mid -1)
    find 0 (len -1)
  let f1_len = String.length f1 in
  let weak = Adler32.from f1 0 b_size in
  let rec loop acc b e = 
    if b = f1_len 
    then List.rev acc
      let wh = Adler32.digest weak in
      let step_1 () = 
        let bc = f1.[b] in
        let a = C bc in
        let b' = b + 1 in
        if e +1 < f1_len 
          let e' = e + 1 in
          let ec = f1.[e] in
          let () = Adler32.rotate weak bc ec in
          loop (a:: acc) b' e'
          let e' = e in
          let () = Adler32.out weak bc in
          loop (a:: acc) b' e'
        let (s0,i0) = lookup wh in
        let sh = Digest.substring f1 b (e - b) in
        if s0 = sh 
          let b' = e in
          let e' = min f1_len (e + b_size) in
          let a = B i0 in
          let () = Adler32.reset weak in
          let () = Adler32.update weak f1 b' (e' - b') in
          loop (a :: acc) b' e'
        else step_1 ()
      with Not_found -> step_1 ()
  loop [] 0 b_size

The code indeed is a bit messier as we have more things to control at the same time, but it’s still quite small. Let’s see how wel it performs:

block size # block signatures blocks chars time(s)
8192 704 535 1384448 0.9
4096 1407 1084 1332008 0.9
2048 2813 2344 960512 0.8
1024 5626 4995 646114 0.6
512 11251 10309 482304 0.6
256 22501 20401 537600 0.7
128 45001 42508 319104 0.7

This almost completely removes the cost of a miss; at least for things of this size. The choice of blocksize does however affect the amount of data you need to send over.
There is a lot of other things you can do here:

  • Block Size Heuristic: something like O(sqrt(file_size))
  • SuperInstructions: make instructions for consecutive Blocks, and consecutive Chars
  • Emit function: don’t accumulate the updates, but emit them (using a callback function)
  • Smaller signatures: you can consider to drop some bytes from the strong hash
  • IO
  • Compress update stream

The last remaining problem is that some modifications are not handled well by the algorithm (for example 1 byte changed in each block).
Maybe you could try a better algorithm.
There are lot’s of them out there, and they are worth checking out. (Before you know it you’ll be dabling into merkle trees or set reconciliation )

Anyway, I already exceeded my quotum for this post, but I still want to say a little thing about synchronisation of folders

The Next Problem

You have 2 trees of files, A’ and A that are different but alike. They reside on 2 different locations connected through a network. You want to make A’ identical to A.

What Not To Do

Don’t walk the folder and ‘rsync’ each file you encounter.
A small calculation will show you how bad it really is.
Suppose you have 20000 files, each 1KB. Suppose 1 rsync costs you about 0.1s
(reading the file, sending over the signature, building the stream of updates, applying them).
This costs you about 2000s or more than half an hour. System administrators know better:
they would not hesitate: “tar the tree, sync the tars, and untar the synced tar”.
Suppose each of the actions takes 5s (overestimating) you’re still synced in 15s.
Or maybe you can try unison. It’s ocaml too, you know.

have fun,


Cloud Search Using Suffix Arrays ? Well, … maybe.

Suffix Arrays are arrays that allow you to find exact substring matches. The core idea is that you generate a sorted array of positions using a comparison function that compares the suffixes starting at the respective positions.

Constructing a suffix array

It’s one of the cases where a few lines of code is more clarifying than the explanation itself.

def make_suffix_array(text):
    size = len(text)
    def compare_suffix(i,j):
        return cmp(text[i:],text[j:])
    indexes = range(size)
    indexes.sort(cmp = compare_suffix)
    return indexes

If you try this on the string “Suffix Arrays Rock?” and print out the sorted array’s indexes along with the suffixes that start there, you start to see both potential, as well as weaknesses.

pos suffix
06 ‘ Arrays Rock?’
13 ‘ Rock?’
18 ‘?’
07 ‘Arrays Rock?’
14 ‘Rock?’
00 ‘Suffix Arrays Rock?’
10 ‘ays Rock?’
16 ‘ck?’
02 ‘ffix Arrays Rock?’
03 ‘fix Arrays Rock?’
04 ‘ix Arrays Rock?’
17 ‘k?’
15 ‘ock?’
09 ‘rays Rock?’
08 ‘rrays Rock?’
12 ‘s Rock?’
01 ‘uffix Arrays Rock?’
05 ‘x Arrays Rock?’
11 ‘ys Rock?’

Note: This method of creating suffix arrays is criminally inefficient, but it suffices for explaining the concept. There are algorithms to do this in linear time.

You can use the suffix array to search for a string in the text using binary search. Something like this:

def find(sa, text, q):
    size = len(sa)
    qsize = len(q)
    hi = size -1
    lo = 0
    while hi >= lo:
        mid = (hi + lo) / 2
        begin = sa[mid]
        end = min(size, begin + qsize)
        test = text[begin: end]
        if test > q:
            hi = mid -1
        elif test < q:
            lo = mid + 1
            return begin
    return None

You have a fast search that allows you to return the exact position of the substring.
Even better: all matches are clustered together in the suffix array. Perfect locality.

Multiple documents

The concept easily extendeds itself to multiple documents.

def make_multi(texts):
    indexes = []
    nt = len(texts)
    for d in xrange(nt): 
        size = len(texts[d])
        for i in xrange(size):
            e = d,i

    def compare(e0,e1):
        d0, i0 = e0
        d1, i1 = e1
        s0 = texts[d0][i0:]
        s1 = texts[d1][i1:]
        return cmp(s0,s1)

    indexes.sort(cmp = compare)
    return indexes

A minimal example with 3 very small texts, and a bit of code to dump the suffix array, together with the suffixes.

def print_multi(sam, texts):
    for e in sam:
        d, i = e
        suffix = texts[d][i:]
        print "(%2i,%2i)\t%s" % (d,i,suffix)

texts = ["Suffix Arrays Rock?",
         "Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks",
         "Metal is not Rock!"]
r0 = make_multi(texts)
print_multi(r0, texts)


( 1, 9)	 Array of Inexpensive Disks
( 0, 6)	 Arrays Rock?
( 1,30)	 Disks
( 1,18)	 Inexpensive Disks
( 2,12)	 Rock!
( 0,13)	 Rock?
( 2, 5)	 is not Rock!
( 2, 8)	 not Rock!
( 1,15)	 of Inexpensive Disks
( 1,28)	ve Disks
( 0, 5)	x Arrays Rock?
( 1,22)	xpensive Disks
( 1,14)	y of Inexpensive Disks
( 0,11)	ys Rock?

Ok, this seems to have almost perfect scalability properties. What’s the catch?

The catch

There are some severe downsides to Suffix Arrays.

  • Text needed during search
    A major disadvantage to suffix arrays is that you need access to the text while you do a search. It means that the suffix array and the text need to be kept close to each other.
  • Storage Needs
    If you think of it, a text is an array of chars (ascii, not unicode). Its suffix array is an array of positions. Suppose you store a position and document ids as a 32bit words. Remember you need to store the text, as well as the suffix array. If the text size is n, the total needs are 9n. To make matters worse: since you’ll be jumping around in the suffix array, as well as the text, compression schemes are not really feasible.
  • Updates?
    Even the slightest update to the text will invalidate the suffix array, and you need to reconstruct it. Even worse, if you have an array over multiple documents, an update in one of the documents will invalidate the entire structure.
  • Exact Matches
    You get what you asked for. Searching the example text for ‘suffix’ will not yield a result.
  • Overkill
    You can search for an exact match on a string of arbitrary length, but nobody needs to find exact matches on large strings. There is one notable exception: If you’re trying to look up DNA fragments in a large DNA string, this is exactly what you need. For everybody else, it’s overkill.

Getting better all the time

Well, it couldn’t get much worse now could it?
It doesn’t need to be this bad, and you can actually pick how much pain you want to inflict on yourself.

  • search starts at start of words
    Most of the time, it’s not needed to be able to search for substrings of words. For example, you probably don’t need to find the ‘rays’ in ‘arrays’. It divides the number of positions to sort by the average word size.
  • remove language noise
  • Not all words need to be considered. In fact, the most frequent words are noise.

  • old versions can be blacklisted
    If all versions of all your documents have a unique id, you can blacklist older unwanted document ids, and filter them out before you return the results. This means you don’t have to do updates immediately, but you can schedule them when it’s cheapest for you.
  • text size is not document size
    Suppose your documents are pdfs. The actual size of the text is small compared to all the other information in the file (markup, images, fonts, …). Moreover, storing text will not eat your storage. For example, a heavyweight (in every way) novel like War And Peace takes about 3.2 MB. The entire corpus of english wikipedia articles, which is stored as xml is just over 30 GB. peanuts.
  • multiple suffix arrays
    You don’t need add all your documents to one big suffix array. You can have many of them wich improves the situation in more than one way. Search can be parallel, and adding a new document is cheaper as well.

What does this have to do with ‘The Cloud’ ?

Since there is a network between the client issuing the request and the cloud infrastructure offering the search service, means you have a non-neglectable latency.
This means the latency added by the service just needs to be small compared to the overall latency, which makes our life a bit easier.

Also, the nature of ‘The Cloud’ pushes people to store consolidated instead of live data, which is exactly what is best suited for suffix arrays.
Another prerequisite for suffix arrays is the availability of the text during search, which is exactly what happens in a cloud setup.

Closing words

Suffix arrays are an idea that was conceived back when ‘online’ still had other semantics. At the time (1991) they were seen as too expensive for general search, but that was back when ‘big hard disks’ had less than 100MB of capacity. Maybe Suffix Arrays deserve a second look.

I can feel the urge to whip up an email search/indexing service in a few hundred lines of code, or a private wikipedia search service.
Just one question remains: what shall it be? ocaml or haskell? hm, tough one.

have fun,


Number of trailing zeroes

Last time, I hinted about using De Bruijn sequences for speeding up iteration of bit sets. It’s an old trick that (I think) was discovered by chess programmers in the 1960s (I really need a reference for this).
It’s a classic that yields elegant and quintessential code, but really needs a sidebar explanation of what’s going on.

The problem

For a binary number, write a function that determines the number of trailing zeroes, ie how many times you can divide this number by 2 without remainder.
The trivial implementation is this:

let rec ntz n =
    let rec loop acc n =
      if n land 1 = 1
      then acc
      else loop (acc+1) (n lsr 1)
    loop 0 n

It’s surprising to learn it’s possible to find the answer without looping at all.

Least significant one

If you look at the problem, you quickly realize there is only one 1 that matters. The least significant one.
It can be isolated like this:

lso = n land ((lnot n) + 1)

or (shorter)

lso = n land (-n)

Let’s look at a few examples for byte size numbers

n bin(n) bin (lnot n) bin (-n) lso
2 0000 0010 1111 1101 1111 1110 0000 0010
7 0000 0111 1111 1000 1111 1001 0000 0001
40 0010 1000 1101 0111 1101 1000 0000 1000
48 0011 0000 1100 1111 1101 0000 0001 0000

Now comes a bit of a detour into graph theory.

De Bruijn Graphs

A detailed introduction is found here, but the important thing to remember is how you construct this graph. The example below is a (2,3) graph. You start with a vertex 000. Then, starting at a vertex, you slide in (shift left and append) either a 1, or a 0, and draw an edge to the result node. Iterate and stop when you have them all.

So after the first step, you have this:

after the next step, you have:

and the closed graph is:

De Bruijn sequences

A De Bruijn sequence is just a shorthand for an Hamiltionian path (a path that visits every vertex once) through a De Bruijn graph. An example of an Hamiltonian path for the full graph above is:

000 -> 001 -> 010 -> 101 -> 011 -> 111 -> 110 -> 100 -> 000

A compact representation for this path can be recorded by writing down the start point and the choices made at every point. The example path yields following sequence:


When sliding through the sequence, one bit at a time with a window of 3 bits, each of the 8 possible 3 digit sequences appears exactly once.

n index
000 0
001 1
010 2
011 4
100 7
101 3
110 6
111 5

The trick

The table above shows you at each node how many steps you’re from the source of the graph.
So if you multiply the sequence with the least significant one or our number, we can use the table to find out how many shifts we had.

for example: 00010111 * 0010000 = 00101110000. You keep the right most 8 bits 0111000.
By looking at the leftmost 3 (= 8-5) bits 011, which you find by shifting 5 positions to the right,
you see that they are at index 4 in the table. So the number has 4 trailing zeroes.


To find the number of trailing zeroes for an 8 bit number, you need

  1. an 8-bit De Bruijn sequence: debruijn = 00010111
  2. a table of 8 precomputed entries 0,1,2,4,7,3,6,5
  3. the following formula:
    lso = n & (-n)
    ntz = table[(lso * debruijn) >> 5]

64 bit version

If you want to do this for 64 bits, you follow the exact same reasoning. You need a 64-bit debruijn sequence (there are 2^26 of them), and a precomputed table of size 64.

#define DEBRUIJN 0x22fdd63cc95386dULL
static uint32_t table [64] ;
void inittable (){
    uint64_t db = DEBRUIJN ;
    int i ;
    for (i=0 ; i < 64;++ i ) {
        table [db >> 58] = i ;
        db = db <<1;

uint32_t ntz ( uint64_t n){
    n &= −n ;
    n ∗= DEBRUIJN ;
    n >>= 58;
    return table [n] ;

Use in bitsets

Suppose you’re representing a bitset as an array of 64 bit words. When iterating, you slide through the words, and if a bit is 1 you do your thing. If the rest of the word you’re sliding through only contains zeroes, you’re wasting effort. Knowing the number of trailing zeroes allows you to calculate the last index for the loop over the bits of a word.

A look at a random standard library


There is a java.util.BitSet class that has been in the java standard library since 1.0. Since the source is open, we can inspect it. Let’s take a peek.
The iterator uses
and the implementation there is:

public static int numberOfTrailingZeros(long i) {
           // HD, Figure 5-14
           int x, y;
           if (i == 0) return 64;
           int n = 63;
           y = (int)i; if (y != 0) { n = n -32; x = y; } else x = (int)(i>>>32);
           y = x <<16; if (y != 0) { n = n -16; x = y; }
           y = x << 8; if (y != 0) { n = n - 8; x = y; }
           y = x << 4; if (y != 0) { n = n - 4; x = y; }
           y = x << 2; if (y != 0) { n = n - 2; x = y; }
           return n - ((x << 1) >>> 31);

(you can read the full source here: )

The “HD” reference in the source code points to Henry S. Warren, Jr.’s Hacker’s Delight, (Addison Wesley, 2002).

I will not comment on this.

Other languages

Left as an exercise for the reader 😉

have fun,
