Share your mistakes: adventures in optimization

I used to think I knew the laws of code optimization. In my (not so) humble opinion they were

  1. profile before you optimize
  2. after profiling tells you what the problem is, first try a better strategy (algorithm or data structure)
  3. tweak code as a last resort

It’s a pure economical reasoning that’s behind this: if your code is not fast enough, first find the biggest culprit and eliminate it. By taking out the biggest you get the most value for money,  and using something that yields orders of magnitude, gain the most. Tweaking code or moving to a more low-level programming language can only give you a factor of improvement, so if you have the choice, use the bigger gun.

Suppose, as an example, profiling reveals your cost can be written like this:

Cost = 0.8 * BiggestCulprit + 0.2 * EverythingElse

You know what to do: kill the BiggestCulprit. Btw, Pareto tells you it’s commonly something like that (80-20). Ok, using a big hammer you replaced the BiggestCulprit with something that’s 100 times cheaper.

Cost2 = 0.8 * 0.01 * BiggestCulprit + 0.2 * EverythingElse = 0.208 * Cost

If you need to go even faster, you should try to optimize EverythingElse. Can you do this? Depends. Maybe you can split EverythingElse in

EverythingElse = 0.8 * TheNextHurdle + 0.2 * NotInteresting

If you can’t. It ends here.

The strategy is rational, but sometimes profiling points you in the wrong direction.

An example of a mistake I made

What follows below is an account of what happened to a piece of code over a period of two years. I hope you will, when reading on conclude that the mistakes were obvious, but at the time, they weren’t. Hindsight is 20/20.

The problem

As a small step in solving a bigger problem, we needed to generate a sample of size n from a set of size p. Important detail: no value can be selected more than once.
The population size (p) is roughly somewhere between 4000 and 16000, while the sample size is often very small, sometimes more than 2000, but never more than 2500 (we know its distribution).
Let’s look at the problem in isolation. The code shown below is a micro benchmark that is representative for our case, and we’re interested in minimizing the total running time by improving the implementation of the Sampler module

let micro_bench ns k p  = 

  let test_one n =
    let sample = Sampler.create n p in
    let use_choice _ = () in
    let rec loop k = 
      if k = 0 
      then ()
          if k mod 1000 = 0 then Printf.eprintf ".%!";
          let () = Sampler.fill_sample sample n p in
          let () = Sampler.iter sample use_choice in
          let () = Sampler.clear_sample sample in
          loop (k-1)
    let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
    let () = loop k in
    let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
    let d = t1 -. t0 in
    Printf.printf "%i | %f \n" n d
  List.iter test_one ns;;

let main () =  
  let k = 100 * 1000 in
  let p = 10000 in
  micro_bench [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;20;40;80;160;320;640;1000;2000;2500] k p;;

let () = main ();;

Our solution must adhere to the following signature:

module type S = sig
  type t
  val create : int -> int -> t
  val fill_sample: t -> int -> int -> unit
  val clear_sample: t -> unit
  val iter: t -> (int -> unit) -> unit

The first solution, the one I coded in search of correctness and simplicity, was exactly that, simple and correct:

module S0 = (struct 
    type t = {mutable c: int; es:int array}
    let create n p = {c = 0; es = Array.make n 0}

    let in_sample t x = 
      let rec loop i = 
        if i < 0 then false
          if = x 
          then true
          else loop (i-1)
      loop (t.c -1)

    let add2_sample t x = 
      let i = t.c in <- x;
      t.c <- i+1        

    let fill_sample sample n p = 
      let rec loop i = 
        if i = 0 
        then ()
          let rec find_new () = 
            let x = random_range p in
            if in_sample sample x 
            then find_new()
            else add2_sample sample x
          let () = find_new () in
          loop (i-1)
      loop n

    let clear_sample t = t.c <- 0
    let iter t f = 
      let rec loop i =
        if i = t.c 
        then ()
          let () = f in
          loop (i+1)
      loop 0
end : S)

The sample is accumulated in an array, and we test each candidate to see if we have it already. If so, we try again. Clearing the sample is putting the counter to zero, and iteration is merely iterating over the used part of the array. Simple enough, and it suffised for almost 6 months. A run of the microbenchmark (it takes some 1700 seconds) reveals what’s going on:

1 | 0.017802 
2 | 0.017753 
3 | 0.025648 
4 | 0.033298 
5 | 0.040910 
6 | 0.050635 
7 | 0.056496 
8 | 0.065127 
9 | 0.073126 
10 | 0.081244 
20 | 0.170436 
40 | 0.402476 
80 | 1.060872 
160 | 3.131289 
320 | 10.381503 
640 | 36.543450 
1000 | 85.969717 
2000 | 408.716565 
2500 | 1127.268196 

The first column is sample size, the second is time needed for 100000 samples. As you can see, it’s really fast for small sample sizes, but quickly succumbs. Profiling shows it’s the in_sample function that’s to blame. It must scan the entire sample array so far. It gets even worse as the chance of picking an element that was chosen before increases.

Well, it isn’t that difficult to have a better membership test. The population size isn’t that big, so we can afford a BitSet. Adding a member in O(1), membership testing in O(1)… let’s do it, it should fly.

module S1 = (struct
  type t = bool array
  let create n p = Array.make p false
  let in_sample t x = t.(x) 

  let add2_sample t x = t.(x) <- true

  let clear_sample t = 
    let rec loop i = 
      if i < 0 then ()
        let () = t.(i) <- false in
        loop (i-1) 
    loop (Array.length t -1)

  let fill_sample sample n p = 
      let rec loop i = 
        if i = 0 
        then ()
          let rec find_new () = 
            let x = random_range p in
            if in_sample sample x 
            then find_new()
            else add2_sample sample x
          let () = find_new () in
          loop (i-1)
      loop n

  let iter t f =
    let s = Array.length t in
    let rec loop i = 
      if i = s then ()
        let () = if t.(i) then f i in
        loop (i+1)
    loop 0

end : S)

Let’s see what this does.

1 | 3.760345 
2 | 3.716187 
3 | 3.730672 
4 | 3.795472 
5 | 3.799934 
6 | 3.961258 
7 | 3.804574 
8 | 3.775391 
9 | 3.807858 
10 | 3.914987 
20 | 3.949764 
40 | 4.159262 
80 | 4.430131 
160 | 4.953897 
320 | 6.132642 
640 | 8.438193 
1000 | 11.140795 
2000 | 19.150232 
2500 | 23.508719 

It takes some 124 seconds to run it. Overall, it’s more than 10 times faster, but the small samples are a lot slower, so what happened?
A closer look (with the profiler) revealed 2 things:

  1. Clearing the bitset is O(p)
  2. Iterating the bitset also is O(p)

So we tried to remedy this by using a better representation of a bitset. An array of 64 bit words. Clearing is a lot faster there.
Iteration will be faster too as the bitset is expected to be sparse, and one can skip forward by inspecting the numberOfTrailingZeroes.
We optimized the clearing of the bitset, and dabbled into De Bruijn sequences for super fast iteration.
It’s a bit of topic, and maybe interesting enough for another post. The reason why I’m not digressing here is that it was the wrong road to go down to.

In the end, after a long detour, we settled on an entirely different strategy: Sparse Sets.

module S2 = (struct
  type t = { mutable n: int;
             mutable dense: int array;
             mutable sparse: int array;}

  let create n p = 
    { n = 0;
      dense = Array.make p 0;
      sparse = Array.make p 0;

  let add2_sample t x = 
    let n = t.n in
    t.dense.(n) <- x;
    t.sparse.(x) <- n;
    t.n <- (n+1)

  let in_sample t x = 
    let rsi = t.sparse.(x) in
    let ok = rsi < t.n in
    ok && (t.dense.(rsi) = x)

  let iter t f =
    let n = t.n in
    let rec loop i =
      if i = n then ()
        let x = t.dense.(i) in
        let () = f x in
        loop (i+1) 
    loop 0

  let clear_sample t = t.n <- 0

  let fill_sample sample n p = 
    let rec loop i = 
      if i = 0 
      then ()
        let rec find_new () = 
          let x = R.random_range p in
          if in_sample sample x 
          then find_new()
          else add2_sample sample x
        let () = find_new () in
        loop (i-1)
    loop n
end: S)

Let’s see what this does:

1 | 0.019265 
2 | 0.021046 
3 | 0.030151 
4 | 0.034281 
5 | 0.040782 
6 | 0.048158 
7 | 0.055332 
8 | 0.061747 
9 | 0.068712 
10 | 0.075462 
20 | 0.144088 
40 | 0.276297 
80 | 0.539943 
160 | 1.069994 
320 | 2.143328 
640 | 4.334955 
1000 | 6.893774 
2000 | 14.607145 
2500 | 18.819379 

It runs under a minute, and has the desired order of magnitude for our operations (adding, testing, clearing, iterating).
Meanwhile, if I ever need to revisit this, I have some aces up my sleeve:

  1. There is an 1984 paper “Faster Random Sampling methods(Jeffrey Scott Vitter)”
  2. I can always special case: if sample size below a carefully chosen threshold use S0 else, use something better suited for larger samples.
    This will give me best of both worlds at the cost of ugliness.

My mistake

Have you figured out what I did wrong strategically? In the above example, I made it several times: I allowed profiling to set the scope of my optimization efforts. Profiling is great to discover bottlenecks and the possible gains of removing them, but it will give you a sort of narrowmindedness that limits the degree of success. Once you discovered a bottleneck, you need to step back, and also look at the context. The bigger the chunk you’ll be optimizing the higher the possible gains. In my concrete case, I should have been looking for a better sampling method.
Instead, I searched for a better set representation. The problem is that you tend to find what you’re looking for.

Armed with the new insight, I propose the following laws of optimization.

  1. profile before you optimize
  2. if you find a bottleneck, try to optimize the broad context CONTAINING the bottleneck.
  3. tweak code as a last resort

Confessions of a revisionist

I must confess that I moved the example out of its original context, which was a C codebase. I recreated the different versions we had of the C code in OCaml for your pleasure.
So yes, we made the common mistake of going to a lower level programming language too soon, naively thinking we had a good understanding of the problem we were trying to solve.
As a result, we wasted more time than we should have. Anyway, in the end I hope I compensated enough by writing freely about my mistakes, so you can avoid them.

have fun,



For those interested in the code itself. I have pushed the code to a git repo :