Arakoon 1.6.0 is out

H: One voter, 16,472 votes — a slight anomaly…?

E: Not really, Mr. Hanna. You see, Baldrick may look like a monkey who’s
been put in a suit and then strategically shaved, but he is a brillant
politician. The number of votes I cast is simply a reflection of how
firmly I believe in his policies.

Black Adder III, Episode 1


So, Arakoon 1.6.0 is out, a release so huge we just had to leap minor increments! This blog post will walk you through the various changes between the 1.4 series and the 1.6 series. We’ll explain why it’s faster, and give an indication by how much.

Harvesting the client queue

Arakoon is a multipaxos implementation. This means that arakoon nodes try to gain consensus on what the next transaction is that needs to be applied.
The thing they gain consensus on is called a paxos value. In all Arakoons (≤ 1.4) there was a 1:1 mapping between a client update and a paxos value. This all works fine in LAN, but when the latency between nodes becomes a lot higher, like in a WAN setup, performance becomes abysmally slow. But some of your users are using Arakoon in a multi-datacenter setup. The solution chosen to address this was to have a n:1 mapping between client updates and paxos values. What Arakoon 1.6 does when the time has come to decide on the next paxos value, is to take all (or up to a limit) of the queued updates, and stuff them in the next paxos value. For multiple clients and small updates this means an almost linear speedup in a WAN setting.

Batched Local store

Ops: We have seen a corrupt tokyo cabinet, and we can reproduce it!
Dev: Great! What’s the scenario?
Ops: It’s really easy. Just apply the following 218 million transactions to an empty store.
Dev: Err, euhm, thx ?!

When you want to fix a problem, having a 100% reproducible scenario is a blessing, but not if it takes forever. Fortunately, during the root cause analysis of such a problem, you have time to think, and thus the insight came: We can speed this up a lot! Having to maintain a transaction log is a mixed blessing, but one of the advantages is that you don’t have to apply all updates to the database immediately. So we added an in-memory caching layer that sits before Tokyo Cabinet. All updates happen there and from time to time, we push the updates through in a big batch. We can afford ourselves to do this as we already ensured durability via the transaction logs.

Logging improvements

Since the early days, Arakoon has a crash logger. When an Arakoon node dies unexpectly, it dumps its last 1000 or so log statements in a separate file. This is a really useful feature, and allowed us to determine the underlying cause of death in many occasions. Unfortunately, it was also a very expensive feature: We were always generating debug level log statements, even if the configuration stated ‘info’. Logging is expensive, even if you throw the log statements away. There is a big cost in the generation of all these strings via fancy Printf templates. So we decided to use a syntax extension that allows us to create these strings more lazily.

So now we have the best of both worlds: when all goes well, we don’t need debug statements and we never pay the cost of constructing the string, but when things turn sour,
we can still go back and create our crash log.

Numbers please

We’re not going to show full fledged benchmarks, just a simple microbenchmark to show a trend. The experiment is to let a client (or more clients) do a million sets to an Arakoon cluster and see how long it takes. All experiments were performed on a simple Intel Core i7 with a HDD.

1e6 sets/client Arakoon 1.4.3 Arakoon 1.6.0
1 client 294s 196s
4 // clients 900s 625s
8 // clients 2180s 1150s

How to read the table? 1 client does 1e6 sets on Arakoon 1.6.0 and finishes after 196s. 8 clients do 1e6 sets in parallel on Arakoon 1.6.0 and the last client finishes after 1150s. That looks like a rather nice improvement.

The next table is for a cluster of 3 nodes, all running on the same machine and thus sharing the same HDD

1e6 sets/c Arakoon 1.4.3 Arakoon 1.6.0
1 client 1090s 676s
4 // clients 4005s 2470s
8 // clients 8734s 4700s

A last table shows the effect of latency. We add 50ms latency on everything that goes over the loopback interface (via netem). Again, this is a setup with 3 nodes, all on the same host, sharing a hdd (although this will not matter too much).

1e5 sets/c Arakoon 1.4.3 Arakoon 1.6.0
8 // clients 86400 20600

Note that this benchmark only goes to 1e5 (otherwise, it would take forever) You can immediately see the dramatic effect of latency on a distributed system. Arakoon 1.6.0 does a better job at fighting latency than Arakoon 1.4.3 (the difference in performance will increase with the number of clients).

Other notable improvements

Tokyo Cabinet patched

The whole data corruption annecdote eventually lead to a 32 bit overflow issue in tokyo cabinet. With the help of some friends, we fixed it and made our changes available here in this tokyo cabinet git repo. We really don’t want to expose anyone to database corruption and decided to backport this to the 1.4 series too.

Log sections

We started to use log sections, which allows you to configure a node such a way that for example the messaging layer is in debug, while everything else stays on info level. Which allows you to put the focus on something you’re examining while not having to wade through zillions of log messages. Handy for ops and devs alike.

Client API additions

We added a 2 small but useful methods to the client API. First there’s AssertExists of key that allows you to shortcut a sequence if a key is not there. Second, there’s multi_get_option: key list -> value option list Lwt.t which allows you to fetch a series of values, even if you’re not sure all of them exist in the database.

Always sync

Some of our users have fancy SSDs for the tlogs and wanted to be able to fsync after every write of a tlog entry. We accomodated them.

Full details

You can find the full list of improvements for Arakoon 1.6 in our bug tracker


It’s stable, way faster than it used to be, and it’s free.
You can get it from our githup repo
What are you waiting for?

Caulking your distributed algorithm implementation

Me: Ok, all unit tests succeed.
All system tests succeed.
All acceptance tests succeed.
(some time later)
NN: We have a problem with your distributed database.
Me: Ok, what’s the matter?
NN: Once in a while the cluster seems to get stuck.
Me: Stuck how?
NN: It seems to be unable to elect a master.
Me: What did you do to get there?
NN: We don’t know, but we have the logs. Here they are. Happy hunting.
Me: $#%#&*!
(some time later)
Me: Aha, that’s what went wrong!


The Arakoon team has spent a big part of the last two years on variations of this theme. Some of the problems turned out to configuration problems (sometimes even of other clusters), but there definitely were situations where the issue was a caused by an implementation error. As it turns out, they all have the same cause: not all possible scenarios were covered. So, is it possible to escape this vicious circle?

We already learned some things (see this previous blog post), so we use asynchronuous message passing and removed all IO from our implementation. So what’s left?
Well we have a set of distributed objects with well defined states and a set of messages that can be exchanged between them. Can’t we just generate all possible states of the distributed system and all possible messages and check how the relationships between them? This is non-trivial as the number of possible states is infinite and so is the number of possible messages. On the other hand, most state combinations are bad and inconsistent, and most messages are irrelevant… There might be something we can do.

Growing a state space-ish diagram

What if we start from a consistent starting state for all objects (let’s call this the system state), generate all relevant messages that can be exchanged from that state and apply them in all possible orders. The system states that can be reached in this way from the starting state should all be consistent. If we find a state that’s not consistent, we stop. For consistent system states, we can iterate. What about inconsistent states? Well, clearly this means our algorithm is capable of doing bad things. We should check the scenario that produced this and fix it, and iterate again. Is this doable? Well, maybe… and what about simulating dropped messages?

Humble beginnings

Let’s start small. What about growing a Basic Paxos implementation for a system of three nodes? Modelling the messages should not be too difficult:

type 'v kind = 
  | Prepare   
  | Promise of 'v option
  | Accept  of 'v
  | Accepted  

type 'v message = {n:n; s:id; t:id; k:'v kind}

Each message is associated with a paxos round n, has a source s and a target t and has semantics described by its kind k. Finally there’s some value type (‘v) for the things the system should try to find consensus on. (You can find the code on Github)

Modelling the agents is a bit more work:

type 'v agent_state = 
  | SHalted 
  | SIdle 
  | SRequest  of ('v proposal)
  | SPromised of 'v option
  | SLead of ('v * int) (* value, outstanding acks *)

type 'v agent = { 
  id : id;
  pop : id list;
  _n : n;
  state : 'v agent_state;
  store : (n * 'v) list;

An agent has an id, knows the other agents (pop), has a store and a current paxos round n. The interesting part is the inner state representing the role it’s playing. It can be halted or idle, requesting to become a leader for a proposal or leading an update.

Now we have messages and agents, we can model the state of the system.

type 'v network = 'v message list
type 'v agents  = 'v agent list
type 'v state   = { net: 'v network; ags: 'v agents}

The system state is merely a collection of agents (ags) and a network (net) representing the messages that can be delivered to the agents.

How can the state of the system change? First of all, the delivery of a message most likely will have an impact. We might add other moves later.

type 'v move = 
  | DeliverMsg of 'v message

Generating all moves is now easy: for every message in the network, there is a move that delivers it, and since we want to stop in bad states, we don’t generate messages there:

let generate_moves state = 
  if is_bad state 
  then []
    let deliver = (fun x -> DeliverMsg x) in

How about executing a move? There is some administration to do there.
We have a move to execute, a current state, a path that was followed to arrive at that state, and a set of observed states. If the move is the delivery of a message, we find the target agent and let him handle the message. This will change the agent’s state and produce some messages (extra).

 let execute_move move state path observed = 

    let deliver m ag = 
      let agent = find_agent ag m.t in
      let agent', extra = A.handle_message agent m in
      let ag' = replace_agent agent' ag in
      ag', extra
    let state' = 
      match move with
        | DeliverMsg m -> 
          let net' = remove m in
          let ags',extra = deliver m state.ags in
          { net = net' @ extra; ags = ags'}

Executing a move will cause a new system state. We will record observing the transition from the old state to the new by this move, and create the new path.

      let transition = (state_label state, move, state_label state') in
      TSet.add transition observed in
    state' , (move,state) :: path , observed'

The whole simulator is a few functions away:

  let rec check_all level state path observed = 
    if not (is_consistent state) then raise (Bad (path,state));
    if level = limit
    then observed
      let rec loop observed = function
        | [] -> observed
        | move :: rest ->
          let state', path', observed' = execute_move move state path observed in
          let observed'' = check_all (level + 1) state' path' observed' in
          loop observed'' rest
      let moves = generate_moves state in
      loop observed moves

  let run state0 = check_all 0 state0 [] TSet.empty 

Basically we start from an initial state, go down the tree of possible moves, execute all these and accumulate observed transitions.

Generating a diagram is trivial with Graphviz. Just iterate over the observed transitions. (not shown here, see on Github for details )

The simulation

We create 3 agents, let the first one start on a value, run our simulator from the starting state, and dottify the observed transitions.

let main () = 
  let ids = id [1;2;3] in
  let a1,a1_out = start (make_agent (Id 1) ids) "x" in
  let a2,a2_out = (make_agent (Id 2) ids),[] in
  let a3,a3_out = (make_agent (Id 3) ids),[] in
  let world = [a1;a2;a3] in
  let state0 = {net = a1_out @ a2_out @ a3_out; ags = world} in
    let observed = state0 in
    M.dottify state0 observed 
  with (M.Bad (path, state)) ->
    Printf.eprintf "bad path:\n";
    M.dump_path path;
    Printf.eprintf "%s\n" (state_label state)


Let’s try this on a brain-dead simple implementation of an agent.
One that goes to the halted state as soon as it receives a message, while sending out no message at all.

module Mark0 = (struct
  let handle_message agent message = halt agent, []

end : ALGO)

What do we see here? First, there is a labelling scheme for states: R1I0I0 means the first agent has n=1 and is in a Requesting state, while the second and third agents ar in Idle state with n=0.
After the delivery of the {Prepare;1->2;n=1} message, a prepare from agent 1 to agent 2, the second agent halts. Likewise for the other prepare message. This looks ok, so let’s move on.


Let’s build an agent implementation that covers the happy path.

module Mark1 = (struct

  let prepare_when_idle source n agent= 
    let an = agent._n in
    if n > an 
      let pv = None in
      let agent' = {agent with state = SPromised pv; _n = n;} in
      let msg = {n = n;s =;t = source; k = Promise pv } in
      let out = [msg] in
      agent', out
      halt agent,[]
  let promise_for_request (source:id) (mn:n) vo (proposal:'v proposal) agent = 
    let pv,pballot = proposal in
    if mn = agent._n
      let pballot' = Ballot.register_vote pballot source vo in
      if Ballot.have_majority pballot' 
        let value = Ballot.pick_value pballot' in
        let outstanding_acks = Ballot.quorum pballot' -1 in
        let me = in
        let targets = others agent in
        let make_msg t = {n = mn; s = me; t ; k =  Accept value} in
        let broadcast = make_msg targets in
        let agent' = { agent with 
            store = (mn,value) ::;
            state = SLead (value, outstanding_acks);
        agent', broadcast
        agent, []
      halt agent, []
  let handle_accept m v agent = 
    match agent.state with
      | SPromised vo when agent._n = m.n -> 
        let agent' = {agent with state = SIdle; store = (m.n, v) ::;} in
        let out = [{n = m.n;s =;t = m.s;k = Accepted}] in
        agent', out
      | _ -> halt agent, []
  let handle_accepted m agent =
    match agent.state with
      | SLead (v,out) when agent._n = m.n -> 
        let out' = out -1 in
        let state' = if out' = 0 then SIdle else SLead(v,out') in
        {agent with state = state'},[]          
      | _ -> halt agent, []

  let handle_message agent m = 
    match m.k with
      | Prepare when agent.state = SIdle -> prepare_when_idle m.s m.n agent
      | Promise vo -> 
          match agent.state with 
            | SRequest p -> promise_for_request m.s m.n vo p agent
            | _ -> halt agent, []
      | Accept v -> handle_accept m v agent
      | Accepted -> handle_accepted m agent
      | _ -> halt agent,[]
end : ALGO)

What does this do? (click on it to see the full picture)

The good news is that there are quite a number of paths from the initial state I0I0I0 that reach our happy state I1I1I1, but there are also a lot of scenarios that end up in bad states.
Let’s look at one in detail.

R1I0I0:{Prepare;1->3;n=1} --->
R1I0P1:{Promise;3->1;n=1} --->
L1I0P1:{Accept; 1->2;n=1} --->

What happened here? A Prepare message goes from agent 1 to agent 3. That agent sends a Promise back.
This causes agent 1 to become a leader and broadcast Accept messages. One of these reaches agent 1, which is clueless as it did not receive a Prepare message first. Agent 1 therefore halts.

The diagram allows us to understand scenarios that lead to bad states, and to modify the algorithm accordingly. This process of finding holes in your algorithm,patching them and iterating is something which I call caulking in absence of a better word. In this particular case, an agent that is Idle can receive an Accept for the next n and should be able to move to the Idle state at the next n.

What about dropped messages?

Earlier, I did not answer the question about the simulation of dropped messages. The above scenario should make clear that we are actually, in luck. There is no difference between that scenario and a scenario where a Prepare from agent 1 and agent 2 was dropped. In general, there is no difference between dropping a message and delaying it until it is no longer relevant. This means there is no need for us to simulate them at all!


Let’s caulk Mark1. Looking at the diagram, not a lot of things need to be fixed. Here’s a list of messages that go awry.

  • Accept;n when agent is Idle at pred n
  • Accepted;n when agent is already Idle at n
  • Promise;n when agent is already Leading at n
  • Promise;n when agent is already Idle at n

Ok, adapting the code is easy:

module Mark2 = (struct

  let prepare_when_idle source n agent= 
    let an = agent._n in
    if n > an 
      let pv = None in
      let agent' = {agent with state = SPromised pv; _n = n;} in
      let msg = {n = n;s =;t = source; k = Promise pv } in
      let out = [msg] in
      agent', out
      halt agent,[]
  let promise_for_request (source:id) (mn:n) vo (proposal:'v proposal) agent = 
    let pv,pballot = proposal in
    if mn = agent._n
      let pballot' = Ballot.register_vote pballot source vo in
      if Ballot.have_majority pballot' 
        let value = Ballot.pick_value pballot' in
        let outstanding_acks = Ballot.quorum pballot' -1 in
        let me = in
        let targets = others agent in
        let make_msg t = {n = mn; s = me; t ; k =  Accept value} in
        let broadcast = make_msg targets in
        let agent' = { agent with 
            store = (mn,value) ::;
            state = SLead (value, outstanding_acks);
        agent', broadcast
        agent, []
      halt agent, []
  let handle_accept m v agent = 
    let _accept m =         
      let agent' = {agent with state = SIdle; store = (m.n, v) ::;} in
      let out = [{n = m.n;s =;t = m.s;k = Accepted}] in
      agent', out
    match agent.state with
      | SPromised vo when agent._n = m.n -> _accept m
      | SIdle when (next agent._n) = m.n -> _accept m
      | _ -> halt agent, []
  let handle_accepted m agent =
    match agent.state with
      | SLead (v,out) when agent._n = m.n -> 
        let out' = out -1 in
        let state' = if out' = 0 then SIdle else SLead(v,out') in
        {agent with state = state'},[]          
      | SIdle when agent._n = m.n -> agent,[]
      | _ -> halt agent, []

  let handle_message agent m = 
    match m.k with
      | Prepare when agent.state = SIdle -> prepare_when_idle m.s m.n agent
      | Promise vo -> 
          match agent.state with 
            | SRequest p -> promise_for_request m.s m.n vo p agent
            | SLead(v,out) when agent._n = m.n -> agent, []
            | SIdle when agent._n = m.n -> agent, []
            | _ -> halt agent, []
      | Accept v -> handle_accept m v agent
      | Accepted -> handle_accepted m agent
      | _ -> halt agent,[]
end : ALGO)

Look at the output diagram:

Isn’t it nice that fixing the holes in our algorithm actually makes the diagram smaller? Since we don’t end up in bad states anymore, there are way less transitions. It’s also aesthetically pleasing graphviz shows all arrows from left to right, meaning there are no transitions that actually increase the distance between the current state and the state we’re aiming for.

What about agents that are wiped clean?

This kind of calamity is not too difficult to simulate. Basically it’s a move that puts the agent back in its starting state. Let’s add the possibility that one of the agents is wiped.

let generate_moves state = 
  if is_bad state 
  then []
    let deliver = (fun x -> DeliverMsg x) in
    let id3 = Id 3 in
    let agent = find_agent state.ags id3 in
    let wipe = 
      if is_halted agent 
      then [] 
      else [Wipe id3]
    deliver @ wipe 

Let’s try that…

./paxos.byte >
bad path:
1 ---(1: Prepare) ---> 3
3 ---(1: Promise) ---> 1
1 ---(1:  Accept) ---> 2
1 ---(1:  Accept) ---> 3
Wipe 3

Auch. There actually is something wrong here. As it turns out, there is a bug in the Mark2 module.
It’s this fragment that’s wrong:

 let handle_accept m v agent = 
    let _accept m =         
      let agent' = {agent with state = SIdle; store = (m.n, v) ::;} in
      let out = [{n = m.n;s =;t = m.s;k = Accepted}] in
      agent', out
    match agent.state with
      | SPromised vo when agent._n = m.n -> _accept m
      | SIdle when (next agent._n) = m.n -> _accept m
      | _ -> halt agent, []

Handling an Accept when the agent is in the Idle state should also set the n correctly (the one of the message). Let’s fix that and try again.
Here it is:

Again, we’re confronted with lots of bad states but we know how to fix that. What are the scenarios that bring us in bad states? As it turns out, these are all caused by old Prepare messages. Adding that and generating the diagram again yields:

Indeed, wiping an agent moves to a state somewhere to the left of the current state, which matches the idea of being further away from our goal.

Are we there yet?

So far, we only addressed cases where there is only 1 agent in a requesting state. So what would happen if there are two agents requesting something at the same time?
Happy caulking!

Closing Remarks

Arriving at a correct implementation of an algorithm is difficult, but even more so in the case of distributed systems. This blog post shows a strategy you can apply in caulking your own implementations. As stated before, making your implementation pure helps you a lot.

Have fun,


The Game of Distributed Systems Programming. Which Level Are You?


When programming distributed systems becomes part of your life, you go through a learning curve. This article tries to describe my current level of understanding of the field, and hopefully points out enough mistakes for you to be able follow the most optimal path to enlightenment: learning from the mistakes of others.
For the record: I entered Level 1 in 1995, and I’m currently Level 3. Where do you see yourself?

Level 0: Clueless

Every programmer starts here. I will not comment too much here as there isn’t a lot to say. Instead, I quote some conversations I had, and offer some words of advice to developers that never battled distributed systems.

NN1:”replication in distributed systems is easy, you just let all the machines store the item at the same time

Another conversation (from the back of my memory):

NN: “For our first person shooter, we’re going to write our own networking engine”
ME: “Why?”
NN: “There are good commercial engines, but license costs are expensive and we don’t want to pay these.”
ME: “Do you have any experience in distributed systems?”
NN: “Yes, I’ve written a socket server before.”
ME: “How long do you think you will take to write it?”
NN: “I think 2 weeks. Just to be really safe we planned 4.”

Sometimes it’s better to remain silent.

Level 1: RPC

RMI is a very powerful technique for building large systems. The fact that the technique can be described, along with a working example, in just a few pages, speaks volumes of Java. RMI is tremendously exciting and it’s simple to use. You can call to any server you can bind to, and you can build networks of distributed objects. RMI opens the door to software systems that were formerly too complex to build.

Peter van der Linden, Just Java (4th edition, Sun Microsystems)

Let me start by saying I’m not dissing this book. I remember disctinctly it was fun to read (especially the anecdotes between the chapters), and I used it for the Java lessons I used to give (In a different universe, a long time ago). In general, I think well of it. His attitude towards RMI however, is typical of Level 1 distributed application design. People that reside here share the vision of unified objects. In fact, Waldo et al describe it in detail in their landmark paper “a note on distributed computing” (1994), but I will summarize here:
The advocated strategy to writing distributed applications is a three phase approach. The first phase is to write the application without worrying about where objects are located and how their communication is implemented. The second phase is to tune performance by “concretizing” object locations and communication methods. The final phase is to test with “real bullets” (partitioned networks, machines going down, …).

The idea is that whether a call is local or remote has no impact on the correctness of a program.

The same paper then disects this further and shows the problems with it. It has thus been known for almost 20 years that this concept is wrong. Anyway, if Java RMI achieved one thing, it’s this: Even if you remove transport protocol, naming and binding and serialization from the equation, it still doesn’t work. People old enough to rember the hell called CORBA will also remember it didn’t work, but they have an excuse: they were still battling all kinds of lower level problems. Java RMI took all of these away and made the remaining issues stick out. There are two of them. The first is a mere annoyance:

Network Transparency isn’t

Let’s take a look at a simple Java RMI example (taken from the same ‘Just Java’)

public interface WeatherIntf extends javva.rmi.Remote{
  public String getWeather() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;    

A client that wants to use the weather service needs to do something like this:

     Remote robj = Naming.lookup("//localhost/WeatherServer");
     WeatherIntf weatherserver = (WeatherInf) robj;
     String forecast = weatherserver.getWeather();
     System.out.println("The weather will be " + forecast);
  }catch(Exception e){

The client code needs to take RemoteExceptions into account.
If you want to see what kinds of remote failure you can encounter, take a look at the more than 20 subclasses. Ok, so your code will be a tad less pretty. We can live with that.

Partial Failure

The real problem with RMI is that the call can fail partially. It can fail before the action on the other tier is invoked, or the invocation might succeed but the return value might not make it afterwards, for whatever reason. These failure modes are in fact the very defining property of distributed systems or otherwise stated:

“A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer unusable”
(Leslie Lamport)

If the method is just the retrieval of a weather forecast, you can simply retry, but if you were trying to increment a counter, retrying can have results ranging from 0 to 2 updates. The solution is supposed to come from idempotent actions, but building those isn’t always possible. Moreover, since you decided on a semantic change of your method call, you basically admit RMI is different from a local invocation. This is an admission of RMI being a fallacy.

In any case the paradigm is a failure as both network transparency and architectural abstraction from distribution just never materialise. It also turns out that some software methodologies are more affected than others. Some variations of scrum tend to prototype. Prototypes concentrate on the happy path and the happy path is not the problem. It basically means you will never escape Level 1. (sorry, this was a low blow. I know)

People who do escape Level 1 understand they need to address the problem with the respect it deserves. They abandon the idea of network transparency, and attack the handling of partial failure strategically.

Level 2: Distributed Algorithms + Asynchronous messaging + Language support

<sarcasm>”Just What We Need: Another RPC Package” </sarcasm>
(Steve Vinoski)

Ok, you’ve learned the fallacies of distributed computing. You decided to bite the bullet, and model the message passing explicitly to get a control of failure.
You split your application into 2 layers, the bottom being responsible for networking and message transport, while the upper layer deals with the arrival of messages, and what needs to be done when they do.
The upper layer implements a distributed state machine, and if you ask the designers what it does, they will tell you something like : “It’s a multi-paxos implementation on top of TCP”.
Development-wise, the strategy boils down to this: Programmers first develop the application centrally using threads to simulate the different processes. Each thread runs a part of the distributed state machine, and basically is responsible for running a message handling loop. Once the application is locally complete and correct, the threads are taken away to become real processes on remote computers. At this stage, in the absence of network problems, the distributed application is already working correctly. In a second phase fault tolerance can be straighforwardly achieved by configuring each of the distributed entities to react correctly to failures (I liberally quoted from “A Fault Tolerant Abstraction for Transparent Distributed Programming).

Partial failure is handled by design, because of the distributed state machine. With regards to threads, there are a lot of options, but you prefer coroutines (they are called fibers, Light weight threads, microthreads, protothreads or just theads in various programming languages, causing a Babylonic confusion) as they allow for fine grained concurrency control.

Combined with the insight that “C ain’t gonna make my network any faster”, you move to programming languages that support this kind of fine grained concurrency.
Popular choices are (in arbitrary order)

(Note how they tend to be functional in nature)

As an example, let’s see what such code looks like in Erlang (taken from Erlang concurrent programming)


-export([start/0, ping/2, pong/0]).

ping(0, Pong_PID) ->
    Pong_PID ! finished,
    io:format("ping finished~n", []);

ping(N, Pong_PID) ->
    Pong_PID ! {ping, self()},
        pong ->
            io:format("Ping received pong~n", [])
    ping(N - 1, Pong_PID).

pong() ->
        finished ->
            io:format("Pong finished~n", []);
        {ping, Ping_PID} ->
            io:format("Pong received ping~n", []),
            Ping_PID ! pong,

start() ->
    Pong_PID = spawn(tut15, pong, []),
    spawn(tut15, ping, [3, Pong_PID]).

This definitely looks like a major improvement over plain old RPC. You can start reasoning over what would happen if a message doesn’t arrive.
Erlang gets bonus points for having Timeout messages and a builtin after Timeout construct that lets you model and react to timeouts in an elegant manner.

So, you picked your strategy, your distributed algorithm, your programming language and start the work. You’re confident you will slay this monster once and for all, as you ain’t no Level 1 wuss anymore.

Alas, somewhere down the road, some time after your first releases, you enter troubled waters. People tell you your distributed application has issues. The reports are all variations on a theme. They start with a frequency indicator like “sometimes” or “once”, and then describe a situation where the system is stuck in an undesirable state. If you’re lucky, you had adequate logging in place and start inspecting the logs. A little later, you discover an unfortunate sequence of events that produced the reported situation. Indeed, it was a new case. You never took this into consideration, and it never appeared during the extensive testing and simulation you did. So you change the code to take this case into account too.

Since you try to think ahead, you decide to build a monkey that pseudo randomly lets your distributed system do silly things. The monkey rattles its cage and quickly you discover a multitude of scenarios that all lead to undesirable situations like being stuck (never reaching consensus) or even worse: reaching an inconsistent state that should never occur.

Having a monkey was a great idea, and it certainly reduces the chance of encountering something you’ve never seen before in the field. Since you believe that a bugfix goes hand in hand with a testcase that first produced the bug, and now proves its demise, you set out to build just that test. Your problem however is reproducing the failure scenario is difficult, if not impossible. You listen to the gods as they hinted when in doubt, use brute force. So you produce a tests that runs a zillion times to compensate the small probability of the failure. This makes your bug fixing process slow and your test suites bulky. You compensate again by doing divide and conquer on your volume of testsets. Anyway, after a heavy investment of effort and time, you somehow manage to get a rather stable system and ditto process.

You’re maxed out on Level 2. Without new insights, you’ll be stuck here forever.

Level 3: Distributed Algorithms + Asynchronous messaging + Purity

It takes a while to realise that a combination of long running monkeys to discover evil scenarios and brute force to reproduce them ain’t making it. Using brute force just demonstrates ignorance. One of the key insights you need is that if you could only remove indeterminism from the equation, you would have perfect reproducibility of every scenario. A major side effect of Level 2 distributed programming is that your concurrency model tends to go viral on your codebase. You desired fine grained concurrency control… well you got it. It’s everywhere. So concurrency causes indeterminism and indeterminism causes trouble. So concurrency must go. You can’t abandon it: you need it. You just have to ban it from mingling with your distributed state machine. In other words, your distributed state machine has to become a pure function. No IO, No Concurrency, no nothing. Your state machine signature will look something like this

module type SM = sig
  type state
  type action
  type msg
  val step: msg -> state -> action * state

You pass in a message and a state, and you get an action and a resulting state. An action is basically anything that tries to change the outside world, needs time to do so, and might fail while trying. Typical actions are

  • send a message
  • schedule a timeout
  • store something in persistent storage

The important thing to realise here is that you can only get to a new state via a new message. nothing else. The benefits of such a strict regime are legio. Perfect control, perfect reproducibility and perfect tracibility. The costs are there too. You’re forced to reify all your actions, which basically is an extra level of indirection to reduce your complexity. You also have to model every change of the outside world that needs your attention into a message.

Another change from Level 2 is the change in control flow. At Level 2, a client will try to force an update and set the machinery in motion. Here, the distributed state machine assumes full control, and will only consider a client’s request when it is ready and able to do something useful with it. So these must be detached.

If you explain this to a Level 2 architect, (s)he will more or less accept this as an alternative. It, however, takes a sufficient amount of pain (let’s call it experience or XP) to realize it’s the only feasible alternative.

Level 4: Solid domination of distributed systems: happiness, piece of mind and a good night’s rest

To be honest, as I’m a mere Level 3 myself, I don’t know what’s up here. I am convinced that both functional programming and asynchronous message passing are parts of the puzzle, but it’s not enough.
Allow me to reiterate what I’m struggling against. First, I want my distributed algorithm implementation to fully cover all possible cases.
This is a big deal to me as I’ve lost lots of sleep being called in on issues in deployed systems (Most of these turn out to be PEBKAC but some were genuine, and cause frustration). It would be great to know your implementation is robust. Should I try theorem provers, should I do exhaustive testing ? I don’t know.
As an aside, for an append only btreeish library called baardskeerder, we know we covered all cases by exhaustively generating insert/delete permutations and asserting their correctness. Here, it’s not that simple, and I’m a bit hesitant to Coqify the codebase.
Second, for reasons of clarity and simplicity, I decided not to touch other, orthogonal requirements like service discovery, authentication, authorization, privacy and performance.
With regard to performance, we might be lucky as the asynchronuous message passing at least doesn’t seem to contradict performance considerations.
Security however is a real bitch as it crosscuts almost everything else you do. Some people think security is a sauce that you can pour over your application to make it secure.
Alas, I never succeeded in this, and currently think it also needs to be addressed strategically during the very first stages of design.

Closing words

Developing robust distributed systems is a difficult problem that is practically unsolved, or at least not solved to my satisfaction.
I’m sure its importance will increase significantly as latency between processors and everything else increases too. This results in an ever growing area of application for this type of application development.

As far as Level 4 goes, maybe I should ask Peter Van Roy. Over the years, I’ve read a lot of his papers, and they offered me a lot of insight in my own mistakes. The downside of insight is that you see others repeating your mistakes and most of the time, I fail to convince people they should do it differently.
Probably, this is because I cannot offer the panacea they want. They want RPC and they want it to work. It’s perverse … almost religious